This shit is ancient, and it was drawn as satire/bait. Nobody is handing out these flyers seriously. This post is rather embarrassing. Satire is dead I guess.
Edit: sources:
Source for text: scroll for text. I don't know where the goat went. This website is a high-effort satire page that hasn't been updated since like 2010. Looks real at first glance but just click around, it's clearly not a real church.
I remember two adults acting as aegis for their child. The kid approached my door, handed me a flyer and asked me to come to his Jesus party. The parents were smiling hopefully. I have no idea what Jesus party even meant.
I kneeled and said flatly "There's no such thing as Jesus. Your parents and your pastor are lying to you."
They were HORRIFIED, the parents rushed up my stoop, the father literally grabbed the kid under his arm like a football and they fled.
Am I an asshole? No. That child needed to know he's being deceived.
I don't believe in a higher power. That's why I'm so fucking grumpy. It's certainly not because we can't have healthcare. It's not because of a genocide. It's not because workers are exploited. Not because our planet is destroyed. No, it's all because I don't believe in a cloud man.
If I remember correctly this is from a site it gave fursona to other groups they didn't like including Jewish, and Islamic folks. It was an educational site directed to children
I bet Mr. Gruff (and while I'm at it, Baphomet) has goat powers like being able to digest just about anything, and walk up slight inclined walls and cliffsides.
If you see someone who is grumpy and bitter rather than trying to witness to them (which doesn't work — we all force-fed Jesus the way we force feed geese) try bringing them cookies or inviting them to the community barbecue.
I wonder what they think of countries around the world, like Australia, where "non-relgious" is on the way to being the highest self-reported group (38.9%) beat out by Christianity (43.9%), in 2021.
You're not considered "weird" by having any religious belief, but you may find it hard to make friends outside your religion if you're deeply religious.
There's honestly some stigma against it. Which is well deserved.
I'm a Christian, the opposite happens as well. Why can't we discuss our beliefs in a civilized manner? I will never tell my "pastor" about an atheist or theist in my area. Especially considering I have atheist friends.
Father, we also have other related news, We have a cease and desist from the Almighty claiming that if we continue to use his name to push our own agenda he is ready to take legal action.
I like how rational sorrows about the state of the world is considered grumpy compared to mindlessly giving away any responsibility by praying.
Raped your wife/daugther? Pray! Got raped by family? Pray!! Pillaged an entire workforce for every dime they had, killing some of them by removing healthcare/firing them? Pray! Having no healthcare on the deathbed? Pray!!!Be an drunk asshole abusing your family? Pray!!!!!
Atheists are always pulling this face like they can’t believe how stupid and credulous the person they’re speaking to is. Every single one I’ve met does this.