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Remaining Hopeful in the Face of Christian Nationalism Remaining Hopeful in the Face of Christian Nationalism

It is encouraging to see more people speaking out in opposition to Christian Nationalism. Now is not the time to give up the fight.

Remaining Hopeful in the Face of Christian Nationalism
  • I've made this point elsewhere that came up when Senator Cavanaugh in Nebraska was filibustering to prevent anti-trans legislation. Her process was not to talk at the podium for hours but to introduce so many point-of-order motions it jammed up the queue so that no laws could get voted on. Essentially she and her allies created a protocol DDOS.

    The US is huge and complex, and through the same kind of chaotic overcomplexity that allowed dinosaur clones to breed, migrate off the island and survive despite a critical lysine dependency.

    Right now, we can't stop SCOTUS from neutering elections and stripping rights from marginalized groups (or carve out exceptions to the fourth and fifth amendments) but we can interfere enough to run through a few elections, and either impeach some judges or add a few more benches to the US Supreme Court.

    We're still headed towards civil war and will so long as most Americans live in precarity and there's that incel-to-neonazi pipeline (well, transnational white power movement extremist pipeline). While I don't have a solution (the Democratic party is as captured as the GOP by corporate interests and is still dominated by establishment politicians) I'm looking into mutual aid organizing (what made the Water Protectors obstructing DAPL so hard to undermine).