If it is common knowledge that shutting a garage door with a running ICE vehicle inside will kill you, why do you think so many people think 1 billion ICE vehicles aren't bad in the atmosphere?
"But tires"
Ban all vehicles over 5000lbs to start without a specialized license and extremely heavy fees to have them. EVs are dropping in weight daily, ICE vehicles have been increasing in weight to dodge policies. One is a means to an end, the other is a means to profit.
Profit for few vs humanity's existance.. which should we choose?
The volume of the earths atmosphere is perhaps, just a little bit bigger than the volume of approximately 1 billion garages.
If you're going to shitpost about science, at least be accurate about it. Nobody thinks they "aren't bad" that's literally a fallacious argument to even propose. Sure, toxic chemicals are bad for you, but there are FDA defined limits for how much of them is considered to be safe on an annual basis.
So how much carbon monoxide turning into CO2 and building up in the atmosphere and causing the earths temperature to slowly rise and threaten the ecosystems of the majority of earth does the FDA define as okay?
Isn't the main purpose of the catalytic converter to minimize the CO (and other chemicals) being exhausted? Those illegal to take off vehicles things on every car....
It is supposed to be CO2 and water though that comes out of it.. but it doesn't work out so clean as the air going in isn't just oxygen
The CO becomes CO2 in the atmosphere as well eventually. I understand what you mean, which is why I was going to originally delete the post, but some people said leave it, so I did. Really it is just saying if exhaust is so obviously known to be bad in one situation, why is it so hard to understand that it can be bad in other ways. (Trapping in heat really)
I kinda get what you mean, in that sense. "It's bad here so why can't you believe it's bad there?"
But the dangers they pose are so different in nature that it's inviting criticism; lots of things are dangerous in specific circumstances but fine normally.
Anyways, you're taking the criticism better than I'm able to lol
It was a drunken post on New Year's Eve... If I know anything in life it's that alcohol does not make sound choices lol. I suppose I'm just glad I didn't text an ex. Motivation not to drink as much haha
cats are supposed to burn off the remaining unburnt fuel in the exhaust, as ICEs don't have perfect combustion most of the time. Which helps to reduce the negative aspects. Not the CO2 though, obviously.
of course, this only works if you get significantly complete combustion within the engine itself, otherwise the cat simply can't overcome it, it's only supposed to do the last 5-10% or whatever, of emissions.
im gonna hazard a little guess, and say they don't define this, because this would be like the FDA having recommended estimates for how many hurricanes you can consume within approximately a year, as that would be a rather silly statistic. They probably don't do that one.
Little known fun fact, the FDA is actually short hand for "food and drug administration" if you're concerned about like, global warming you should ask someone else like NASA. Which handles things related to the atmosphere. There would also be NOAA, which more directly handles the atmosphere, that's kind of it's job, you should probably ask them.
im guessing OSHA probably has a few also. Most definitely some health agency, though i wouldn't be surprised if the FDA did have something pertaining to carbon monoxide, more generically. They have a lot of weird ones.
A very, very rough estimate is that the atmosphere is 6,000,000,000,000,000 times larger than a typical garage (or over 6 orders of magnitude more than OP's claim), based on a typical one-car garage being 100 cubic meters and The atmosphere being 6e9 cubic kilometers.