These people always fall in line. They will again. They're proud of being useful idiots. They'll convince themselves that this immigration is necessary for the economy, but Trump will stop the bad immigration or whatever. And Trump's people will brutalize people coming from Mexico which will also sate some of their bloodlust. They'll fall in line just as soon as someone tells them what to think.
This popcorn is too salty and overcooked. I’d rather it not exist as a whole. Muscrat is going to win no matter what. The plutocrats will win as always.
It's "toe the line". This difference is pretty important. I thought it was "tow the line" more than half my life because it sounds like pulling on a rope to go in the right direction.
It's actually more sinister. Get your toes on the line we drew. Perfect conformity of thought or action.
They didn't see the previous cases as abuses of power, because he was always hurting people they already didn't like, or in the very least he was hurting people they didn't care about.
It'll be interesting to see how autocracy faces up against a billionaire who really has no need to be a citizen of any nation, and could afford to protect themselves indefinitely.
Ah, the pre-new-season-recap/where-are-they-now of the utter madness that was The Trump Administration: The Ultimate Chaos.
What will they do in the next season? Just how hard their asses will be bitten? Nobody knows!
Seriously, though, like everyone else, I was highly worried about what the fuck the re-election of Trump will mean. But then I remembered all of the total fuck-ups they did last time around, and I turned my worries, like, 1% down. All I'm hoping right now is that some conservative loonie group goes all in on "finish building the Wall" and it'll be a shitshow as usual.
As long as you understand Immigrant, and every form of legal immigration, means ''fucking messicans'' then yes. They hate immigrants. Musk just needs to tell them he'll only import their replacements from sterling white countries and they'll calm down.
Musk and Trump are neck and neck for the "Littlest Bitch To Ever Exist" title.
Isn't it awesome living in the timeline where the wealthiest person on the face of the Earth and the most influential person on the face of the Earth are both little bitch man-children?
You f-ing morons, you served the only purpose you were supposed to serve, you voted the coming autocratic reforms of the USA into power. Enjoy becoming as persecuted as the "left" was as only the most ignorant or most pandering voices of the coming dictatorship are left.
The free speech Musk believes in is his ironclad right to speak. To him, contradiction is not speech, and he seems baffled whenever it happens, like he's just been slapped with a fish.
There's a reason ''true believer'' is a pejorative, or at least cautionary, description in politics. Belief is not the way to oporate and get results. If you can't accept getting 60% of what you want out of legislation along with the other two branches of goverment, you'll never get 1% of what you want.
They'll vote for the next republican in 4-12 years, and 100% respond to polling that they believe Republicans are ''just better at economy and foreign policy''
I’m not that old (I’m not that young either) but I can’t remember a time when a party controlled both the executive and legislative branches and didn’t descend into incompetent infighting.
I thought this time would be different but this gives me hope.
Yeah, the way they kept this coalition together was by telling the business community that their more extreme stuff on abortion and immigration was just stuff they told the rubes to get their votes. Now they're in a position that both constituents expect them to deliver, and there's a lot of conflict there. Draining the swamp is the opposite of creating an entirely new agency that's all swamp, and while the business community pretends they want more border enforcement, a lot of immigration policies are explicitly designed to create an entire class of workers that's perpetually in a precarious position so they can undermine unionisation efforts (H1B1 visas being a perfect example of that).
I think the lefts strategy should be to let the right eat itself and just stay out of their attention. Let them get all fucked up on infighting and forget about us entirely.
I suppose, in a way, it's kind of refreshing to see conservatives have to face the kind of hypocrisy that we leftists see every day out of the supposed liberals in this country, but objectively, did they really think putting billionaires in charge of their party would mean less exploitation of the immigration and visa process? It's easier to rob people of their labor when they live in uncertainty after all.
Musk wasn't giving out millions of dollars out of the goodness of his heart. It was an investment, just like people who pay the "speaking fees" of prominent Democrats. They're all grifters.
Shocked to see the populist {% %} campaign on reducing immigration then immediately use immigration to undermine {% %} workers.
lmao if that's true he blundered this one so hard. either he doubles down and doesn't reinstate premium, causing people to get annoyed at him and potentially leave. or he does reinstate it and has essentially lost control over his platform.
seems like the former so far, his last tweets are full of responses just talking about this.
It seems like he's demonitizing accounts who aren't even tweeting him directly, just talking about him. It doesn't matter what he does at this point, he's just identified himself as attacking Trump stans. They won't trust him again.
He will back down, though. Not only does he have the same crippling need to be loved as Trump does, but these lamprays srr probably generating a significant fraction of Twitter's revenue these days.