I was happy to pay for youtube as a service until they broke the shit out of their algorithms and started shoving ads to my face in premium. Did a chargeback and got my money back. Fuck these monkeys.
I don't care that enhanced Bitrate is premium only. I do care that you still need to click "advanced resolution settings" to access this even for premium users on mobile.
They finally shut off my premium account in Argentina for $3 and now I’ve been blasted with ads so much it’s unbearable. Like 3 ads every 3 mins pretty much.
Maybe I can try again in another country but I’m pretty sure they’re wise to it and demand a card used be of the same country too.
It’s fine on my phone but on the tvs where I mostly consume it’s hell on earth!
As with most things in the modern world that have gone to shit. It is not the monetization scheme in of itself that is the issue. It is the never ending desire for more profit this quarter than last forever.
If it was acceptable to stop trying to make even more once the cost to operate is covered and some healthy profit is made predictably then a lot less people would have issues. And enshitification would slow down.
YouTube already randomly drops me to 360p on my big-ass broadband sometimes because it just feels like it. What are the guarantees YouTube Premium won't do that? ANSWER ME YOUTUBE, THIS IS CRUCIAL PRE-PURCHASE INFORMATION.
The worst part is that this doesn't seem to be some sort of better quality. All of the other qualities seem to have tanked in the past year, so at best this just restores the previous 1080p bitrate.
YouTube premium is one of the subscriptions I most often feel thankful for having. I watch enough YouTube videos that avoiding all those ads is really worthwhile, I hope that my view is worth more to the channels I watch, and YouTube music let me cancel Spotify.
I understand being pissed at YouTube and Google, but at the end of the day, of all the things I have to rage at, YouTube isn't worth it. I like it, there are creators that use it that I like, and I understand that it costs real money to run the platform.
wow, premium in the usa is expensive. it's a little under $3 per month here in india for the family plan and even that's after a recent 16% hike. the individual plan is even cheaper.
i guess these rates are in store for us as well in the future?
I was paying for it until it got to like $16.99 on iOS. As much of an annoyance to use a work around like AD Guard. I can now afford it but refuse to give those greedy mofos a dime.
More than you think, actually. My wife recently signed up. I'm like, Babe! I already have uBlock Origin to block ads on desktop! On mobile, Firefox also blocks ads and allows listening to videos with the screen off. 😫
But, we still get ads on our smart LG TV. So. That's apparently enough to throw the money away.
I pay for premium but would love to use peertube instead since it's decentralized. It would be great to have all the people I sub to upload there as well then I'd bail.
I never noticed a quality difference on my phone due to the small screen, even 1080p to 720p wasn't bad on my 4k TV. Also, when did they change the free trial from three months to one?
"Enhanced" bitrate? I've heard of high bitrates, and I've heard of low bit rates, but I ain't never heard of no enhanced bitrates. Does Google know something we don't, or do they think we're suckers? (Rhetorical question, don't answer.)
I paid for premium recently which helps a bit except now the problem is a lot of the content I watch ppl are doing sponsored segments which I get but at the same time fuck off.
I just lost my premium subscription after about 2 years of paying $3/month in Argentina. Here it's $24/month (family plan). YouTube is unbearable with all the ads. Sometimes a 10-minute video has 3 as breaks. I'm only using it for precise purposes now, not scrolling and exploring, and finding alternatives as much as possible.