The entire political establishment is in agreement on the need to enforce the pro-corporate policy of “forever COVID,” in which the working class and broad layers of society as a whole are condemned to unending waves of mass infection, death and debilitation with Long COVID.
“it’s totally silent if i plug my ears and totally dark if i close my eyes”!
thank you for your service. this is the type of post i wish would get downvoted to the floor. if we can’t get basic googleable facts right in ! how can we have any hope for accuracy in reporting on climate catastrophe and genocide? hawt damb
although i agree with the post title being a bit incorrect, and your comment of "alarmist asshole" not really called for, its not front page news and that's because people are over COVID and could care less while people who are at risk from severe infection are getting it and dying still. People are just going to get super sick and say "yeah its a flu covid is over so it cant be that"