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Germany joins EU’s ‘ultra-low’ fertility club Germany joins EU’s ‘ultra-low’ fertility club

Europe’s most populous country sees fertility rates fall below crucial threshold of 1.4

Germany joins EU’s ‘ultra-low’ fertility club

Good news! Article is paywalled but (archived link)

Three more EU member states — including the most populous, Germany — have joined the list of countries with “ultra-low” fertility rates, highlighting the extent of the region’s demographic challenges.

Official statistics show Germany’s birth rate fell to 1.35 children per woman in 2023, below the UN’s “ultra-low” threshold of 1.4 — characterising a scenario where falling birth rates become tough to reverse.

Estonia and Austria also passed under the 1.4 threshold, joining the nine EU countries — including Spain, Greece and Italy — that in 2022 had fertility rates below 1.4 children per woman.

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