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What are your favorite aspect + boon combo for fun/so far

I've been enjoying using the hidden sword aspect coupled with Aphrodite or Artemis on attack for big numbers. Even though it's slow and a little clunky it's still surprisingly satisfying to use. Other fun ones are Zeus on fists or Poseidon dash/cast + anything for the speed they can clear rooms at (especially tidal dash in final biome). What are your favorites?

  • Zeus fists is the go-to when I just wanna chill and be OP, it melts everything in a 5 mile radius. Especially with support fire? Mmm. Love Zeus, there's no build he doesn't rock.

    If I want more of a challenge, I'll see if I can't snag chain skewer and seastorm on Zag spear. If I can't, I'm stuck using an utterly rando build on the spear and it's not the weapon I'm best with. If I can, hooo boy, things are about to be amazing.

    Chain skewer/seastorm was the ONLY time I have ever wished there were more rooms in Styx. I couldn't even see what I was killing before it was over.

    As a side note, I was never really happy with aphrodite and I grumble every time I'm forced to use her. Yeah, she's got the highest punch out of anyone, but her status effect just never did it for me, even back when I was struggling.

    Plus hers is the only call that interrupts the laser light show in the final battle, so now I gotta book it again instead of taking advantage of the best moment to do any damage.

    • Yeah, weak status is whatever but her having the highest raw percentage boosts in the game means you can stack aspects with high base damage (like Hestia rail) with it, pom the hell out of it, get a chaos % boost if possible and maybe even a hammer that boosts your base damage when applicable and get some crazy damage. Same with her cast on aspects that load the cast into an attack like Hera bow and Hidden shield aspect.

      • Admittedly, she IS the only thing that made me concede on the Hera bow. Bow in general is still my least favorite weapon, second only to lucifer rail, which I can never seem to use right for some reason