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As the days get darker, I thought it might be helpful to share that day of triumph from our past

It's difficult to know whether sharing mine would seem self-serving or inviting.

It was election night, 2000. I was newly 21, as was my editor at the college paper. She got to go to an election party where the mood turned out sombre, and I'm left to figure out just how much we blow deadline by. Then call an editorial cartoonist at 3 a.m. to draw up a recreation of the Dewey hed. Which took up half the page above the fold (you don't call someone at 3 a.m. and then bury the art) under a hed of "Florida Holds the Keys."

Once we'd gotten the flats to the printer (due by midnight), USA Today was already on the rack on the Ave. when we got back. The first dek on the A1 election story was "Florida holds the key." This is where I start thinking I might be capable of pulling this off as a career.

That night was a crazy outlier. Goddamn Aaron Sorkin scene writ large. We weren't just short presidential results, but I think there was a congressional district too close to call. There was, of course, attrition as the hours got so late they became early, but with those who remained, there was a bond.

And, frankly, I'd take that night again over an orgasm any day. Or night.