I doubt I’m "young" but I find it acceptable. I’m only shocked it doesn’t happen more. These people making insane amounts of money off the suffering of the working class have been getting away with too much for too long.
Many of these polls are written in way to ellicit a biased response.
Others have already covered how this works, but I'll add to it anyway.
If you ask a question like "do you condemn violence against healthcare CEOs?" A lot of people are going to say yes, because they view themselves as people against violence and respond mostly to that first part.
If you ask "did brian thompson deserve to die for his crimes? Many of the same people will say yes to that too, because people have an innate desire for justice.
Polls do this all the time. It's part of social engineering and plays on the phenomenon that the Asch Conformity Experiments analyzed. Around 35% of people will change their opinions to fit everyone else's even if the answer or opinion is very obviously incorrect.
Americans have been trained to wish on the CEO the negative things that those CEOs have caused.
Game CEO cancels or ruins an anticipated game? Wish on to them that something they value gets canceled.
Car company CEO makes cars more expensive? Wish upon them financial trouble.
Social media CEO invades your privacy? Wish on them someone to track their plane wherever it flies.
But there exists a subset of companies where death is the outcome of a bad CEO, and the end consequence of encouraging an eye for an eye is what we just saw. Perhaps if a company can decide whether you live or die, the government should play some role in it. Then at least voters will at least have a stake in the governance.
They also claim that they want more equality, universal healthcare, less student debt, etc. And then a ton of them proceeded to vote for Donald Trump. I can't take anything they say seriously.
It’s a wake up call, but it’s not really going to change anything. You want universal healthcare? We need a general strike. Shut everything down for a month and demand it.
A person has to ask themselves the question of does this person help or hurt humanity, and if you look at this company denials since he took over he definetely hurts humanity as a whole.
Not every human life is valuable or worth keeping. We need to treat our weakest members of society better, which is elderly, disabled and children. He hurts those people the most, when he should've trying to protect them. He chose to chase profits over human life.
This is simply a logical consequence. Income equality now is FAR worse than the french revolution, I'm just suprised it took this long.
It's shocking in the sense young people are the ones least effected by our shit Healthcare system since they tend to be the most healthy, and have less interaction with it.
You'd expect the middle aged and older with chronic illnesses would be the most supportive of Luigi, but they have Stockholm syndrome from living under this shitty system their whole life. This is also reinforced by the cable news they watch telling them how tragic it was that a man with a wife and kids was murdered.
Meanwhile, young people are just laughing at memes and tiktoks of how hot and based he is.
Since Thompson was shot, first in the back and then again as he fell to the ground, a number of social media posts from people saying they do not have sympathy for his death have gained popularity.
I bet if that was the question an even higher percent would agreed.
I find it understandable. it isn't something I would do but I can not find it in my heart to condemn the deletion of a bad human. The scumbags like him are a bunch of whiny little weaklings.
I wonder how the terrorism charge affects things. Are people going to stop saying they support him out of fear or disgust? Will other people (and/or the government) go after people that say they support him because they can claim they’re supporting a terrorist? Will people become less affected by the word “terrorist” because it’s being applied in this way?
Any CEO (actually, any rich person- the ticket the more this applies) that doesn't donate obscene amounts to good (good as in "would probably be hated by MAGA" or "politically neutral") charities can be "acceptably put down".
Even more so if they are actively causing direct harm to their customers/clients.