"We protect everybody on the streets of New York, not just CEOs," Hochul said. "Everybody deserves the protection of our law enforcement."
New York City averages over 1 murder per day. Weird how the CEO seems to be the only one getting any attention whatsoever, since everyone is getting equal protection.
Besides that, law enforcement doesn't protect anyone. Didn't protect Brian Thompson, did it?
Law enforcement is reactive. They show up after the crime has been committed to take notes (incorrectly) and maybe arrest the wrong person. Oh, except when patrol officers are running speed traps so they can intimidate the undesirables and shake them down for fines (which are regressive), maybe abuse some authority (or just make shit up) in order to provoke an unnecessary arrest.
We cant afford for every American to have secret service protection. So we should just get rid of the secret service entirely. Big money wastage. TSA also needs to go. They never did anything to start with.
Anyone considering running for high office, and looking for a hook to run on? Run for the governor of NY on a platform of giving Luigi Mangione a full and unconditional pardon.
I honestly don't think this would work, too many older people vote and they are not generally in agreement with the working class plights of modern times. They think we should still make a nickle while they make a buck because they got there first.
My mother, who literally works at a hospital fighting with insurance companies all day long to get things approved, "doesn't understand" why this happened in the first place, and thinks all the people who are pleased about it are "sad and pathetic"
Personally I think she fully understands why people cheer it on, she just chooses to ignore it because things aren't bad enough for her yet so CLEARLY everyone else is overreacting....
It's going to be a zoom call. Though it would be hilarious if the governor actually hated CEOs, got them all in one place, and tried to consistently leak the info ahead of time.
Corporate executives convince themselves they only do their job. Their action are evil but they are rewarded for it, so much so that "evil has become banal".
Recently reminded of the truth, they consider that "demonization". Why should people leave you alone if you're killing us & the planet?
Even if "you're just doing your job", it still affect us personally and the law will either not be upholded or defend the right of the people. The only way then is steel.
I'm dumb: I don't see the complexity in Luigi's action. I only see the truth: the only action that changed something after decades of non-violent political activism was bullets in a CEO.
What did it change? Perhaps more people are becoming aware of the scope of the problem but from a practical perspective I don't think any difference has been made up to this point.
One murder has put it all in to stark relief for many where the loyalties of law enforcement lie; and yet i cant help but think no one will remember who was on the side of the working class come election season
no one will remember who was on the side of the working class come election season
To be fair, at the very most 5% of national level general elections feature a candidate who's not an enemy of the working class.
Because probably the richest political party in the world is the least bad of two options and blatantly favor donors over grassroots in the primaries that they are somehow still allowed to be the arbiters of.
It's like pitting 1989 Mike Tyson against 1989 Mohammed Ali, except Ali gets a head start where Tyson has to stand completely still, a loaded shotgun, and is the match referee.
The voters will get ads about all these random promises for the working class and then once elected the governor will continue to do favors for the wealthy elite who paid for those ads on their behalf, putting them in office and giving them some power to help out their friends and family. The promises to the working class won't be fulfilled, but that's ok because they never are. If the opinion is that bad they'll just vote for the "other" party who follows the same big money finance playbook because there's no other way to succeed in major elections outside of big money.
This is the way the world works, it's not just NY. It's never going to change unless humans are removed from the equation, likely in an extinction event.
CEOs and executives aren’t the target of the anger, it’s sociopathic CPAs (Cunts, Pricks, and Arseholes). It doesn’t help that to succeed as an executive one must embrace being a sociopath.
The easiest path to remove the targets they’ve painted on themselves is to cease being, and behaving like, sociopaths.
More broadly, we need to stop incentivising, rewarding, and normalising sociopathy.
"We protect everyone on the streets of New York, not just CEOs". While they might do that, this one murder has shown that for some people, the police really does the job they should be doing for everyone.
Excited to see a huge investment in PR for corporate leadership in the next few years. Like Shark Tank and Undercover Boss weren't saccharine enough. You're going to get the Full Israel of media coverage soon.
I haven't watched a lot of Shark Tank, but it wasn't doing a lot to endear billionaires to me. But given how little I watched, I may not be the target demographic.
Everybody deserves the protection of our law enforcement, unless you aren't wealthy or powerful. And if you're black, we'll be sure to harass and/or assault you.
Right - they’ve been demons for a long time, and we literally had to invent the FTC to curb these robber barons’ lust for power over 100 years ago. They’ve been working steadily ever since to erode that protection and exploit us even further. Demons, the lot of ‘em.
How stupid can they get? All of this is reinforcing the perception (read "fact") that violence against corporate executives has significant impact and instantly makes you famous (or infamous). Is what they are doing really the best course of action given the oversupply of people in America with easy access to guns that also feel powerless and disenfranchised? Anyone can see how this has the makings of becoming a recurring thing.
I am not weeping over it, but it is a little shocking to see how poorly they are handling all of it.
And yet nothing is really going to come of it. I guarantee you this will be swept under the rug as soon as they can get kids back in school and schedule the next shooting. The fuckers at the top won't see another real threat.
You see, propaganda is much more effective than most people know or are willing to admit, and New York, being the largest media market in North America, is a very clear example of that.
You don't have to be an idiot to be swayed by effective messaging, and messaging doesn't have to make sense to be effective.