The house next door to me is going up for sale soon and I’d like to delay that process as much as possible. What would be the most annoying music I could play when prospective buyers are next door?
When German people go to hell, or skiing, they are forced into little tents, served shitty overpriced beer, and are subject to repeated blows to their ears by a type of parasitic earworm whispered fearfully only in dark circles as "schlagermusik".
Once exposed to it, it eats into their brain and gets behind their eyeballs, forcing them to wear manic grins, and tap tables to the weak, incoherent, barely thought out beats drumming mercilessly into what's left of their soul.
I get that Nightcore has an audience, but what makes it annoying for me is when I am trying to search for an obscure song and think I've found it, only to realize that it's yet another low-effort nightcore remix.
Just play loud ass black metal. The music doesn't have to be bad, It just needs to scare normies.
Edit: I thought of the most annoying music ever. Crunkcore! Play some Blood on the Dancefloor and people will fuck off to avoid listening to that shit.
There's always the risk that people who visit the house next door are into whatever annoying music you're playing and end up moving there and blasting it for the rest of your life
Based on what kind of people they are, you might be able to get away with something else. Maybe play some Christian music if you think they don't want to live next to a god-botherer. If you're bible-belt, put one of those 24 hour Mecca livestreams on loud, and go do your grocery shopping or something.
If you want just plain annoying, you can't go wrong with Justin Bieber or tween pop.
It's something that I don't know whether it's a dying subgenre ofa subgenre (genre?), but the nightcore music where all they do is speed up the music and shift the pitch. Literally no other edits. I would be running fast if a neighbor of mine started blasting that.
My highschool blasted Christmas in Ignace - Arrogant Worms every single day during fundraising drives, they'd stop when they hit their goals. Was very effective.
Reggae can be fun, especially to dance to, but when heard through a wall, you mostly hear the bass and all reggae has the same bass track. It's almost comical, like that beat is a requirement of the genre. After hours of reggae you'll wanna smash that stereo.
The ice cream truck in my area plays the calliope version of “It’s a Small World” every summer, every day, and I want to burn it all down when I hear it.
Alternatively, you could plays sounds that are above the adult frequency of hearing if they have children. The kids will be super annoyed and the adults will have no idea it’s even happening. Look up the “mosquito tone”.
A dad was told by a fortune teller that his yet-unborn kids were destined for musical stardom. After that, the dad had no choice but to force his eventual kids into a band.
These kids had no musical training. No sense of rhythm, no sense of pitch.
Their released music is the auditory equivalent of a child's crayon drawing hung on the fridge. It's astoundingly disjointed.
It's all wrong. Frank Zappa said they're better than the Beatles. SOMEONE out there likes screamo. Some folks out there like bagpipes. Then what happens? Your neighbor loves blasting screamo. You've played yourself. Unless Frank Zappa is moving in, you'd be hard pressed to find a potential buyer that like the shaggs.
This is not a judgement of the musical genre and I think it's way more profound and expressive than the average commodified pop music we have. However, I remember making a report about the history of music (for an arts appreciation class in college) and I ended the report with some Japanoise (a genre of noise music) like this one:
It's not necessarily the most annoying- but to give an impression that you are people you do not want to live next to, just crank some psytrance. I love me a good doof party, but holy shit I would not want to live next to one.
I dont know its Name, but there was once some phonk music in my local tech store that mostly just repeated „toma toma toma” by the most annoying sounds in existence. Its cover was red. If anyone knows it, please tell me