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Advent of Code 2024 Week 2: this time it's all grids, all the time

The previous thread has fallen off the front page, feel free to use this for discussions on current problems

Rules: no spoilers, use the handy dandy spoiler preset to mark discussions as spoilers

  • Day 11

    Some hacking required to make JQ work on part 2 for this one.

    Part 1, bruteforce blessedly short
    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f
      [inputs] | recurse(map(
        if . == 0 then 1 elif (tostring | length%2 == 1) then .*2024 else
          tostring | .[:length/2], .[length/2:] | tonumber
    Part 2, some assembly required, batteries not included
    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f
    reduce (inputs|[.,0]) as [$n,$d] ({};     debug({$n,$d,result}) |
      def next($n;$d): # Get next           # n: number, d: depth  #
          if $d == 75                    then          1
        elif $n == 0                     then [1          ,($d+1)]
        elif ($n|tostring|length%2) == 1 then [($n * 2024),($d+1)]
        else #    Two new numbers when number of digits is even    #
          $n|tostring| .[0:length/2], .[length/2:] | [tonumber,$d+1]
      #         Push onto call stack           #
      .call = [[$n,$d,[next($n;$d)]], "break"] |
      last(label $out | foreach range(1e9) as $_ (.;
        # until/while will blow up recursion #
        # Using last-foreach-break pattern   #
        if .call[0] == "break" then break $out
          all( #     If all next calls are memoized        #
              .call[0][2][] as $next
            | .memo["\($next)"] or ($next|type=="number"); .
          .memo["\(.call[0][0:2])"] = ([ #                 #
              .call[0][2][] as $next     # Memoize result  #
            | .memo["\($next)"] // $next #                 #
          ] | add ) |  .call = .call[1:] # Pop call stack  #
          #    Push non-memoized results onto call stack   #
          reduce .call[0][2][] as [$n,$d] (.;
            .call = [[$n,$d, [next($n;$d)]]] + .call
      # Output final sum from items at depth 0
      | .result = .result + .memo["\([$n,0])"]
    ) | .result
  • This morning I felt a bit burned out on AoC but thought I might as well just do some noodling around on breaks. Turns out it was

    day 10

    pretty dang easy

    So far this is the current standing according to the finishing times of the 1st 100 answers on the global leaderboard

    1. Day 09 - Disk Fragmenter: 14m05s
    2. Day 06 - Guard Gallivant: 08m53s
    3. Day 08 - Resonant Collinearity: 07m12s
    4. Day 04 - Ceres Search: 05m41s
    5. Day 02 - Red Nosed Reports: 04m42s
    6. Day 10 - Hoof It: 04m14s
    7. Day 07 - Bridge Repair: 03m47s
    8. Day 05 - Print Queue: 03m43s
    9. Day 03 - Mull It Over: 03m22s
    10. Day 01 - Historian Hysteria: 02m31s
    • One look day 9 and I had to leave it until after work (puzzles unlock at 2PM for me), it wasn't THAT hard, but I had to leave it until later.

  • Day 14, got very lucky on this one, but too tired to think about why part 2 still worked.

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
    #     Board size     # Our list of robots positions and speed #
    [101,103] as [$W,$H] | [ inputs | [scan("-?\\d+")|tonumber] ] |
    #     Making the assumption that the easter egg occurs when   #
    #           When the quandrant product is minimized           #
    def sig:
      reduce .[] as [$x,$y] ([];
        if $x < ($W/2|floor) and $y < ($H/2|floor) then
          .[0] += 1
        elif $x < ($W/2|floor) and $y > ($H/2|floor) then
          .[1] += 1
        elif $x > ($W/2|floor) and $y < ($H/2|floor) then
          .[2] += 1
        elif $x > ($W/2|floor) and $y > ($H/2|floor) then
          .[3] += 1
      ) | .[0] * .[1] * .[2] * .[3];
    #           Only checking for up to W * H seconds             #
    #   There might be more clever things to do, to first check   #
    #       vertical and horizontal alignement separately         #
    reduce range($W*$H) as $s ({ b: ., bmin: ., min: sig, smin: 0};
      .b |= (map(.[2:4] as $v | .[0:2] |= (
        [.,[$W,$H],$v] | transpose | map(add) 
        | .[0] %= $W | .[1] %= $H
      | (.b|sig) as $sig |
      if $sig < .min then
        .min = $sig | .bmin = .b | .smin = $s 
      end | debug($s)
    | debug(
      #    Contrary to original hypothesis that the easter egg    #
      #  happens in one of the quandrants, it occurs almost bang  #
      # in the center, but this is still somehow the min product  #       
      reduce .bmin[] as [$x,$y] ([range($H)| [range($W)| " "]];
        .[$y][$x] = "█"
      ) |
      .[] | add
    | .smin + 1 # Our easter egg step

    And a bonus tree:

  • Day 11!

    discussion p1 + 2

    I'd say this was pretty easy. My instinct was that 64 bit ints were big enough for this problem, and that memoising would also be a good idea. I didn't experiment with a control though, so I don't know if memoisation was truly necessary. Either way, my initial solution for 1. was performant enough for part 2.

    • followup

      So memoisation is predictably needed for part 2 to run in time. It's an O(en), so it takes seconds by step 39 and minutes by step 47.

      • re:followup

        If you somehow wanted your whole final array it would also require over 1 Peta byte ^^, memoization definetely reccomended.

    • 11 discussion with spoliers

      Well my pt1 solution would require something like at least 1.5 petabytes RAM to hold the fully expanded array, so it was back to the drawing board for pt2 😁

      Luckily I noticed the numbers produced in every iteration were incredibly repetitive, so I assigned a separate accumulator to each one, and every iteration I only kept the unique numbers and updated the corresponding accumulators with how many times they had appeared, and finally I summed the accumulators.

      The most unique numbers in one iteration were 3777, the 75 step execution was basically instant.

      edit: other unhinged attempts included building a cache with how many pebbles resulted from a number after x steps that I would start using after reaching the halfway point, so every time I found a cached number I would replace that branch with the final count according to the remaining steps, but I couldn't think of a way to actually track how many pebbles result downstream from a specific pebble, but at least it got me thinking about tracking something along each pebble.

      11 code
      // F# as usual
      // fst and snd are tuple deconstruction helpers
      let rec blink (idx:int) (maxIdx:int) (pebbles : (int64*int64) list) =
          if idx = maxIdx
          then pebbles |> List.sumBy snd
              // Expand array
              |> List.collect (fun (pebbleId, pebbleCount) -> 
                  let fpb = float pebbleId
                  let digitCount = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(fpb + 1.0,10))      
                  match pebbleId with
                  | 0L -> [ 1L, pebbleCount ]
                  | x when digitCount % 2.0 = 0.0 -> 
                      let factor = Math.Pow(10,digitCount/2.0)
                      let right = fpb % factor
                      let left = (fpb - right) / factor
                      [int64 left, pebbleCount; int64 right,pebbleCount]   
                  | x -> [ x * 2024L, pebbleCount ])
              // Compress array
              |> List.groupBy fst
              |> (fun (pebbleId, pebbleGroup) -> pebbleId, pebbleGroup |> List.sumBy snd)
              |> blink (idx+1) maxIdx
      |> Common.parse
      |> (fun pebble -> pebble,1L)
      |> blink 0 25 
      |> Global.shouldBe 55312L
      |> Common.parse
      |> (fun pebble -> pebble,1L)
      |> blink 0 75 
      |> printfn "Pebble count after 75 blinks is %d" 
      • re: 11p2 discussion

        I was also on my way to building a multilevel memoization cache with "branches", when I just happened to stumble on an incredibly elegant solution in the subreddit. I stole it and awarded myself only 1 point for today. Because I'm worth it.

  • Day 13, day 13 of shirking other responsibilities.


    Ok. So, I overthought this a little. Ultimately, this problem boils down to solving a system of 2 linear equations aka inverting a matrix.

    Of course, anyone who has done undergraduate linear algebra knows to look to the determinant in case some shit goes down. For the general problem space, a zero determinant means that one equation is just a multiple of the other. A solution could still exist in this case. Consider:

    a => x+1, y+1
    b => x+2, y+2
    x = 4, y = 4 (answer: 2 tokens)

    The following has no solution:

    a => x+2, y+2
    b => x+4, y+4
    x = 3, y = 3

    I thought of all this, and instead of coding the solution, I just checked if any such cases were in my input. There weren't, and I was home free.


    No real changes to the solution to p1 aside from the new targets. I wasn't sure if 64 bit ints were big enough to fit the numbers so I changed my code to use big ints.

    I'm looking at my code again and I'm pretty sure that was all unnecessary.

  • Day 12:


    Ok. I have been traumatised by computational geometry before, so I was initially spiralling. Luckily, there wasn't too much comp geo stuff to recall.

    My solution was a lot simpler than I initially thought: no need for union-find, accounting for regions inside regions, etc. Just check every square for a given region, and if it touches a square in the same region that you've seen before, subtract the common edge. This is linear in the area of the problem, so it's fast enough.


    It took a moment to figure out that I could modify the above perimeter counting to mark the squares containing the perimeter and walk along it afterwards, counting each edge. This is also linear in area.

  • Day 15


    Pretty easy. Just check in the direction you want to push if you have space.

    p2 DNF

    Currently debugging with test cases from the subreddit. I’ve also created a shitty visualiser for it, stay tuned!