I've always hated funkopops, they're ugly and the very epitome of the enshitification and commercialisation of geek culture. This does nothing to change my mind
If lawmakers would simply make the entity responsible for the operation of these AI powered tools be fully liable for every decision that it makes, right or wrong, this kind of nonsense would vanish overnight.
I hope the people running itch.io have great lawyers, because I would be trying to take Funko to court for punitive damages over something like this.
Also, while we're at it, reform the DMCA to disallow automated copyright related takedown requests without some sort of human reviewing it at the other end. It's been abused to hell and back by big business.
Fucko pop should be forced to pay damages. It's too easy for shitty companies to send out takedown notices and too difficult for those takedown notices to be contested by comparison.
Back when I opened my comic and game shop (I no longer do comics, just games) I tried to get an account with Funko directly. They did not believe me that New Mexico is in the United States. The response was along the lines of, "if you feel that you are in the United States, we can pursue this further. But I suggest you opening an account with one of our Latin American distributors."
I'd bet these fan projects lead to more sales of their garbage products, but these corporations don't see that because they want that licensing money now. Or they're just spiteful and vindictive like Nintendo.
Every single DMCA request should have to be filled out by hand and signed by the infringed party, not on their behalf by a third parry, under penalty of perjury. This is absolute bullshit.
At first I was like "WTF does an indie games site have to do with Funko?" then I Googled it...
Looks like they hosted a BUNCH of infringing games, so Funko, instead of doing the righteous thing and sending them a takedown request, just nuked the whole domain...
Huh, so I've always disliked funkopoops but just because I didn't like the mass production design and they were made in China with no evidence trying not to be made with slave labor.
Not only is this absolutely inexcusable, also, Funko Pops are ugly and creepy-looking and I don't understand why people spend so much money on them just because they look vaguely like the characters or people they're supposed to represent.
I hope this teaches them the valuable lesson of always having domains with more than one registrar.
Or, hopefully, we migrate to a system more advanced than DNS registrars where your "name" can be taken down by an unrelated third party. The current system sucks and the fact that even the Fediverse relies on it (accounts are tied to domains, making full account migration impossible) makes even the remains of my pre-graduate CS student brain rumble.
I wish to avoid any and all companies which do not have actual customer service, but I don't know if this is possible without spending a lot of extra money.