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Life Helps Make Almost Half of All Minerals | Quanta Magazine Life Helps Make Almost Half of All Minerals | Quanta Magazine

A new origins-based system for classifying minerals reveals the huge geochemical imprint that life has left on Earth. It could help us identify other worlds with life too.

Life Helps Make Almost Half of All Minerals | Quanta Magazine

I know this sub is about biodiversity but that is the mindblowing thing, the incredible diversity of minerals on earth (and my oh my the diversity is overwhelming) is a consequence of the incredible biodiversity of life, and it is not unlikely that it worked the other way too, a diversity of minerals may have been a formative part of the development of life.

A diversity of minerals/chemical may have facilitated the formation and diversification of life which fed back into the further diversification of minerals...

It suggests a beautiful perspective to understand ecosystems and the essential role of diversity for stability.