So 10€ for a Terrabyte? How? You can't compare mass-discounted stuff, like cloud, which additionally uses your data for tracking etc., to generate more money, with the consumer focused, single-item storage common a few years ago.
I agree that cloud storage is a rental scheme and not comparable, but an old sata disk here is 240Gb for £24 which is equivalent to 10c per Gig. If you go back to abandoned formats like ide hard disks you may be able to get 0.01 per Gb.
Often has exorbitant shipping + tax to germany, unfortunately, and once you want recertified ones, so more than a month or so of warranty, it's more expensive.
If we're gonna get nitpicky on this (which we might as well), we should include the cost of bandwidth when talking about the cloud. They offer the storage for free (theoretically), but it still costs you money to upload and download that data.
I was just having a similar conversation with some people about the rapidly increasing size demands from video games, and somebody brought up the point of bandwidth as an issue as important as the size on disk. If you have to download multi-gig patches for a 100+ gig game, that's going to very quickly eat through monthly data caps.
I love just straight up lying. I wish it was 1¢ per GB. Maybe the most dirt cheap Chinese off-brand that only has 1/2 of its listed capacity usable because it is a refurb labelled as new. 100€ for a 10TB is insane.
Even going higher capacity to get a lower price per GB, 10TB drives are around 300€. That is 0.03€ per GB. 20TB drives are around 525€. (These are just consumer drives too, enterprise is significantly more expensive for the MTBF ratings) Still 0.026€ per GB. Once you get into ultra high capacity, it starts going up again because of tech limitations.
The spec exists for a 128TB SDUC card.
There probably doesn't exists one yet, or maybe only in a lab somewhere and probably costs more than my car.
Still, today's storage density is kinda nuts.
Within my lifetime, we've went from 1.5MB being high-density portable storage, now you can have a 2TB thumb drive in your pocket.