Its just a part in the equation where you're dividing by zero, that's all. We know you cant divide by zero, so it means our theories are incomplete.
The gravastar theory is notable (IMO) because it does away with the singularity. Although, it seems like this theory is borderline unfalsifiable, since any way you could detect a gravastar would also be insistinguishable from a black hole.
Personally, I am of the (completely unsubstantiated) opinion that black holes create universes (somehow) because it is a simple, succinct answer to many questions. So, any theory that takes that seriously would be worth further research, imo. But until there is some kind of observational evidence, I think this is just relegated to the realm of "that's a neat thing that math can do".
That's interesting, I'm debunking bogus claims of my lil bro from time to time and when pushed it usually ends up in some sort of division by zero (all is everything and everything is all sort of idiocy), does this thing you describe where if you divide by zero your theory is incomplete have a name? Any pointer warmly welcomed!
Yes, this is an excellent video! Thanks for finding this, I couldn't remember which video I saw this in when I was typing my reply.
If this is something that interests anyone reading this thread, PBS Space Time has a number of excellent videos on the topic of black holes and their theoretical alternatives.
What's weird is I do! After decades of watching and learning I think we're a 3-dimensional species that can only mathematically measure things via 2-dimensional thinking. (We can only visualize space-time in a single plane for example mentally, honestly)
All the things that 'disappear into nothing' like singularities and even UFO's I think simply are 4th dimensional in nature if not higher. They dip in and out of what we can perceive and the beings that live there are amused at us crawling around like ants in an ant-hill.
You might wanna watch this Veritasium video talking about how we understand information around black holes, before you start bringing in UFOs and UAPs.