It's so weird. Gaza is extremely important and deserving of the attention. It's genocide, and it's horrific. But is no one else important? Because we can't save Gaza immediately, it's really better to set outselevs on fire so we can burn together? Like, real talk, Harris will be fine. Biden will be fine. It's our friends and neighbors who are going to be deported, harassed, laid off, homeless and scared for a minimum of four years.
I wouldn't say they're gone though. I've been down voted, told "my kind/type" are all talk, or that I'm okay with murder, I voted for genocide, the usual. But I couldn't sit and do nothing.
But I guess this is what they wanted. The dems have been taught a lesson, we're moving headfirst into a dictatorship, and Gaza is no safer, but their conscious is clear, somehow.
Real Talk, I'm getting real tired of everyone from the vaguely right of center to the farthest reaches of the left getting involved in this shit slinging blame game.
I legit don't care anymore who you voted for (edit: so long as it wasn't Trump I mean. But even then, time to start your redemption arc if you did). We are past the election and now all share the same immediate issues.
Folks who abstained from voting (or voted 3rd party) because you couldn't stomach the lesser of two evils, good news, that choice is gone. You can stop parroting the idea that anyone who voted Blue did so "in support of genocide". It should be clear by now those who voted Blue really were just doing their best in a bad situation, they are not your enemies.
Folks who voted Blue because you believe supporting the lesser evil is in service of the greater good. Good news, that burden is also gone. You can stop parroting the idea that someone who can't stomach voting for people who would play politics with genocide is really just a tankie or a bot. Not every one is willing to play game theory with people's lives, that doesn't mean they are your enemies.
Anyone who truly wants to push for solidarity and human rights for all is an ally of mine. And I propose we bury the hatchet, preferably in the objectives of fascists, before its too late.
The only people making noise are the centrists looking to blame everyone but themselves for a sweep of all the levers of government, and a gradual loss of the judiciary that will doom the republic. It was an epic asswipping of historic proportions with you lot leading and owning the losing strategy. You dont even have the diginity to be embarrassed about it.
You geniuses lost voters across every single demographic except college educated whites, flatly ignored the economic hardship of the lower and middle class and told people they were delusional to talk about it, and on top of that they enabled and participated in obvious far right war crimes. You lost minority and youth support and trust across the board. And you have no way of earning it back beyond your same tired playbook of being slightly better than Trump, on just a few issues.
Even if Harris had done the right, legal, moral thing and indicated she'd halt the shipments, she still would have lost on her idiotic low-polling economic policy that polled the same as Joe Bidens presidency. So you all supported war crimes and soiled the dem name for basically no gain at all. You doomed the republic, soiled the global understanding of "democracy", and showed the western world order to be a hollow shell of what it once was, where laws and justice dont really matter. All so the DNC elites could take some zionist bribes on a single election cycle, which you then lost. Heck of a job. Its hard to imagine screwing the globe any more thoroughly. Its breathtaking. You couldnt have done a more thorough job if you were maga republican fascists yourselves.
Blame the at most 2 million or so antigenocide protestors, instead of the 75 million who voted for Trump. Considering Harris was short 8 million votes, it didn't really matter.
Blame Trump voters first, but also blame Harris for running a dog shit campaign where she leaned right to pickup Republicans, and ended up picking up zero R voters while completely alienating the progressives and losing 14 million votes from Biden's 2020 performance.
The Dems don't seem too upset though. They would rather lose to the republicans than let progressives have any sort of power.
Dems failed and people who abhor genocide unfortunately had little to do with it, though listening to Lemmy libs you'd think they personally destroyed her campaign
The Democratic Party snubs the left— even the progressives. They court the right wing, parading the Cheneys around.
The democrats lose.
The rightwing voters get riled up by the mask-off hatred, while their politicians straight up lie to Muslims and Latino people, winning some of their votes.
The democrats lose ground across the board. Their entire turnout was depressed. No matter how many times they learned their views were losing them votes, they refuse to budge on the issues they were undoubtedly wrong about. The fuckin meme says “we didn’t vote for genocide!!!” We can all agree voting…for genocide is…bad, right?
And you’re blaming the people who were ignored and told once again to go fuck themselves? Because they couldn’t stomach voting for people publicly and unflinchingly supporting the genocide.
Not the lying fascists, not the losing party for being told they were going to fail and still failing?
This is exactly how you continue to fail and lose to fascists.
And im telling you right now. History won’t look back and say “those fools! They didn’t vote because of a teensy little genocide!” They will say “all of those people stood by while a holocaust was happening.”
If you thought the people who were critical of the Democrats went quite after the election, you're saying more about the echo chamber you've built for yourself than anything else.
You can continue blaming everything but the DNC, but it won't change the fact that they are complicit in genocide and no matter who was in charge, the US will continue it's legacy of genocide worldwide.
*I voted for future genocide instead of present genocide.
Edit: I do empathize with people not voting for Harris as a protest vote. I personally think it is counter productive, but I can see that if the system won't allow someone to act ethically, then it makes sense to reject the system.
What I don't understand is voting for Trump as a protest vote instead. He has shown he has no inclination to support Palestine from his last administration and his ties to evangelical groups indicates he would be even worse for the situation than Harris. If anyone disagrees, I'd appreciate to hear the justification either in a reply or DM if you don't want randos flaming you.
They are certainly responsible for Trump doing what they will do. No amount of mental gymnastics can make that go away. You had a vote, it was what it was, you had to accept reality or live in a bubble roleplaying that your vote was something it was not.
90% of them were Russian/ Iranian/ Chinese/ North Korean trolls or bots. They got what they wanted, so it's on to the next thing. Probably undermining support for Ukraine.
yeah your motives are despicable OP. if every voter you call out in this meme had voted blue, Harris still would have lost. the reason you think they are “quiet these days” is because they hardly fucking exist.
put down your shit slinging stick and hold accountable the people who actually did this act of violence. minimizing the damage of a fascist regime is never gonna happen off your pithy internet blame game “call outs.”
"Yes, we lost to the republicans. But for a beautiful moment in time we supported genocide with billions of dollars in weapons!" - the democratic party
There is a whole lot of Removed by mod here that might explain it.
Going deeper into the DNC echo chamber wont change anything though. Also i find it curious that people seeing the end of the world coming towards them leave their attempt at stopping it at "whelp i voted". Almost as if you are consistently fed the gaslighting lie, that voting once every four years for the candidate, that the DNC designates you to vote for, should be all you ever do politically.
Or you could have just not supported a genocide so that people would vote for you. Stop blaming the electorate for your own failings. No one is obliged to vote for you. Especially when you have terrible policies like funding a genocide.
I have not been quiet. The writing's on the wall. First undocumented immigrants, and the democrats are going after trans people next, and I can't stand it.
well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
If you call people out, they're gonna respond, lol. (edited this part to not be accidentally included as part of the quote above)
tl;dr is we need more options than Democrats and Republicans, and voting third party should be only part of the solution to educate and mobilize the working class.
I think it is a false narrative that "voting blue no matter who" is the sole thing preventing the USA from succumbing to fascism. The reason government power see-saws between Democrats and Republicans is because it is hard
for either party to maintain any legitimacy of being helpful to working class people when the only people both sides are helping are the wealthy. People get fed up with Democrats doing nothing for them and vote Republican. They then get fed up with Republicans doing nothing and vote Democrat.
Are the Democrats current policies better than Republicans in some areas? Sure. But the Democrats have also continued some of the worst Republican policies, and the ones they have better stances on are small and in my opinion offer no long term solutions to help the working class. So one proposed solution is to use our limited power of voting for another party that aligns more with working class needs. That should also only be one part of a larger scheme to educate and mobilize the working class.
Hey did you forget the dems are supporting a genocide? Better vote for them anways!
Hey did you forget the dems are supporting a genocide? Better vote for them anways!
Hey did you forget the dems are supporting a genocide? Better vote for them anways!
Tell me, throughout history, how often have atrocities, mass slaughter, and genocide been claimed at the time to be justified on the basis of self-preservation? Say, "securing a future for our white children," for example. Out of those, how many times have the people saying, "better them than us" or "the ends justify the means" actually been on the right side of history?
It blows my mind how genuinely prone to evil Americans are, as a culture. There are people who have actually experienced the horrors of war, watched their houses burned down, watched their loved ones die, who still refuse to turn to something as evil as genocide as a solution. Do you really think this is the first time anyone's faced that choice? But liberals, supposed enlightened progressives, sitting comfortably on their couches worried that they might have to deal with a shitty politician for the next four years, will immediately jump on board with being Hitlerites if it means they can go back to brunch instead of doomscrolling. Like, y'all don't even consider Trump bad enough to actually start opposing the US government and treating it as an enemy. I can only imagine what horrors and atrocities you'd resort to if you were ever actually faced with bombs dropping outside your homes. If you were put into the body of a Palestinian, you'd be criticizing Hamas as being too moderate and restrained.
I'll go to my grave before I vote for genocide, and nothing anyone says or does will ever make me budge, and you'd best remember that because if you wanna blame me for Kamala losing, know that I'll fucking do it again.
There was an opportunity for change, and we went for it. We're less noisy about it now because the opportunity has passed- squandered by folks like you.
Some of us have real lives to get on with and are willing to do the work behind the scenes, while we get on with that. My community has buried three since the since the end of October, two have recently been diagnosed with cancer and another two are in stage four. There are also considerations of paying bills. Just because we're not wallowing in self-pity doesn't make anyone anything other than busy. Mutual aid, direct action. Voting for the major parties isn't the answer.
What's this, a sudden influx of votes and comments that visibly oppose the votes and comments that came from the intended community, made apparent by older, lower-visibility comments such as those under folds having completely opposite positions and ratings? Why that almost sounds like a brigade! Surely not, we left those behind on Reddit, right?