In an effort to get some more discussion going I figured I'd ask this here. I'm in a mostly-solo FC right now and I need GC Seals like mad to upgrade my subs. I can't find any post-DT info on the quickest/best route to getting GC Seals. I know I can turn my nut sacks into gear in Old Sharlayan but I'm not interested in that, I'm looking for Unsync'd duties. Any suggestions?
I passively collect GC seals by running normal roulettes and rolling on all of the gear tokens to exchange them and turn the gear in at my GC through expert deliveries. You could unsync the highest level normal raid you can clear to collect tokens for that method?
I imagine that running a butt ton of expert roulettes will yield a lot of excess items that you can turn in (as well as tomes). Depending upon your job, you could probably blitz through most SB & SHB dungeons pretty quickly too for a good rate of return.
As I’ve been progressing in MSQ I’ve been running duties and just doing the delivery to my GC with the gear I get. It’s been mostly keeping up with running 4 retainers on ventures! I feel like most of the gear I’ve gotten through Stormblood and Shadowbringers were worth about 1200-1500 seals each.
During SB a friend and I used to 1-2 man The Vault and Gubul Library as BRD, since they were super short. I imagine you can do the same thing with EW content now. The trick is to grab every extra chest with gear you can, and find something that is short to run. It doesn't have to be the highest iLvl per item.
Heck, it might not be a bad idea to run ShBr content just because it would be faster.
Converting Poetics to GC seals isn't bad, either, if you aren't using then for anything else. Running daily roulettes every day fills it up pretty quickly and it's better than overcapping.