can we PLEASE get a new leftist party going in the US now? The Dems have proven for like 6 cycles now that they do not have the juice to get it done. Even when they win, they underperform expectations and then sit on their thumbs instead of actually doing anything for the American people besides the most basic infrastructural shit. Players like Lina Khan are the exception.
Would be nice, but their fanclub seems more interested in blaming everyone else for their humiliating failure this year rather than doing any sort of self-crit or reflection on their dogshit political system, so what they'll probably do instead is just run another uncharismatic shitter and move right. I just hope that there's enough of a demographic shift over the next 4 years that makes it easier for actually good candidates to get into position.
I have voted Democrat since I could vote. I voted third party this round. Liberals should blame me for the problems of the Empire. Vote Biden and move him left was only compelling once. Give me economic substance. Dismantle the Empire.