Morning light is also a big health benefit. Going to permanent DST would mess people up, especially school children that would effectively start school 1h earlier.
I know heart attack and stroke rates go up with daylight savings time. You have contempt for people that have heart attacks and you think you're the reasonable one? Yeah, okay buddy.
If it was standard time during the summer months, Montreal sunrise would be 4:05AM and sunset at 7:45PM in June.
If Montreal remained in DST year round, sunrise would be at 8:30AM and set at 5:15PM in December.
If we remained on standard time, we'd have sunrise at 4:35AM and sunset at 8PM in Toronto.
If we had DST year round, sunrise would be 8:45AM and sunset would be at 5:40PM in Toronto.
I think Standard time sucks in the summer. And while I'd love to have more sunlight in the afternoon in the winter, I recognize that having sunrise only by 8:30-8:45AM is detrimental.