Meta humour is way older than I thought
86 0 ReplyThe fourth wall was broken in ancient Greek plays.
57 0 Replyit's more like it was invented in the 1800s.
6 0 Reply
Whoa, meta
60 0 ReplyNo wonder those kids show so much temper, they're infants with old man faces.
51 0 ReplyI like the one that's angrily shaking his fist. A real chip off the ol' block!
7 0 ReplyWaaaaaaah give me my back medication I mean my bottle
5 0 ReplyJust like their ol' daddy!
3 0 Reply
Everettception!!! The umbrella keeps spinning!
38 0 ReplyShe really went for the archetypical comic: man talks to Everett, gets beaten with umbrella
29 0 ReplyUmbrellas were sturdier in those days
2 0 Reply
"The Outbursts of Everett True" isn't a comic strip in Everett's home town, it's just an update of his activities.
26 0 ReplyA warning. Lol
13 0 Reply"We have morning reports of an Outburst on the corner of Canal and Main with several casualties and extensive structural damage. The public is advised that Everett is forecast to be active around his office on the 300 block of Broadway. Illustrators are hard at work and we'll have a full update in the evening edition."
10 0 Reply
The man is saying to Everett: "I am saying something that a lot of people can relate to being mildly annoyed by."
3 0 Reply
This is my favorite one so far
10 0 ReplyGeeze I always thought Everett was an old man but even the babies look like old men so I guess he's new father age???
6 0 ReplyWell, its both.
2 0 ReplyThis comic came out in October 1907. For example, it was printed in The Seattle Star on October 18, 1907.
2 0 ReplyThank you!
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