Ya, the far left. You know, the lunatics that want to tax you and give your taxes to schools. For extremist purposes like new books and free school lunches. The far left. The terrorists that want to put the good American insurance companies out on the streets, and take taxes away from the woefully under funded military industrial complex, so that the person without a job, because they are too lazy to grow their legs back, can get free housing and medical attention. They are just so extreme. Nothing like the good god fearing right that only want to protect the children. From eating, reading, and generally being able to form a coherent opinion. That's what the Bible is there for. Or the Qur'an. Depending on your flavor text.
Well, Islam is a right wing ideology. So I'm guessing 3/4 of attacks are by white nationalist and Christian fundamentalists, makes the rights share close 98% if these numbers are correct
No, that's fallacious in two ways: equivocation and appeal to emotion. Neutrality is not defined by upsetting both sides equally, because that means one side could shift the definition of neutral in their favor by being (or pretending to be) more upset.
Actual neutrality requires objectivity and calling out crocodile tears based on exaggerations (or even wholly imaginary issues, for that matter) as what they are.
I beleive the first would be an appeal to moderation fallacy. I mean, you're right in calling out the illogical BS. I'm just saying I think it's this particular flavour of illogical BS.
I'm sure you can see your way out of one just fine but favourite way to call out an appeal to moderation fallacy is to ask "if I said the sky was predominantly yellow and you, rightly, corrected me and said it was predominantly blue, would it be logical for a third person to conclude that the sky was green?"
Except it's not, he thinks he's consistent. Far left and far right are a matter of perspective, and from where he sits, far left is trying to not deadname someone, starting a union, or progressive taxation. His far right is somewhere past suggesting gas chambers for social deviants.
The far-right appropriated centrism, by exploiting the fact that many thinks that the historical nazis were just cartoon villains that just did stuff for the sake of evil, and didn't had some sort of justifications to their heinious actions, thus by having justifications they can avoid the "literal evil" allegations.
Anything that involves people at scale, will contain politics. Whether that's interpersonal politics or government politics. People will eventually become polarized based on their political views.
I'm gonna dissect a definition so I can agree with you: from dictionary.com: Politics: the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
No, they just equate "neutrality" with their way being the status quo. It is a very intentional choice to shift the Overton window by insisting that this is neutrality.
Yeah, so equal to them is "well, if I'm not allowed to say that all trans people should be murdered, you're not allowed to say they shouldn't all be murdered!"