Obligatory reminder the hyperland lead developer is a jerk who refuses to acknowledge any of the times he's mistreated people. I can't really blame you for using it though it though it is an absolutely fantastic compositor and if vaxry ever genuinely apologizes I'll probably go back to using it
so what's your point? Are you telling not to use hyprland? Or are you telling people here to harass him for his wrongdoings? Maybe not, but it kinda looks like it. And makes you look like a jerk. Maybe not as big of a jerk, i don't know, but the ratio of jerks to normal people rises anyway.
And yeah, not using something bc the author is an asshole is a dumb and childish paradigm, especially concidering that said author literally won't lose anything from that.
I might've sounded a little harsh, sorry if that's the case, but i hate that internet nowadays is a negetive-driven thing. I came here for some cute animal pictures, cool linux rises and some funny memes, and here we are at the reminder that yet another guy did something wrong. Can we, like, have less of the last one, more of the three other things?
Honestly I'm just hoping that maybe if enough people call him out maybe he'll change and I can use hyprland again without feeling guilty. I know he doesn't gain anything monetarily from users I just don't want to give him the publicity he gets from people seeing me using his software.
i've been using hyprland for six month, and even the nickname of the author i've discovered today solely because of you. You're not giving him much publicity by using his wm on your pc, which i doubt has been seen by more than dozen people. You're giving him publicity by calling him out on the effing internet. And tell you what, black PR is also a PR.
Not to mention that voxry is already quite public, therefore if he hasn't apologized yet, he won't ever, because, just by the theory of big numers, there were people to tell him to apologize. Also, imo, forced apology won't do shit.
Maybe someday he'll recognize his mistake, but it won't be relevant anymore.
Hyprland is free, ergo i won't support the author if i use it.
If your assumption is the case, then the original commenter is kinda a jerk themself as i said
If you think that my last comment is written in the support of the hyprland's author, you're wrong. I don't support turbowafflz, for they're supposedly tell me what to do, while bringing non-obligatory negative in my life, also those actions i "must do" are nonsensical. But don't be mistaken, i'm not supporting vaxry either. It's just so that i can still appreciate a splendid job, even if the dude making it is mean particularily towards me for instance.
We all are a jerks to someone, we all behave childish sometimes like turbowafflz with their maximalism or vaxry which can't say a plain fucking "sorry", and that's allright, everyone has right to be wrong, because otherwise life becomes a minefield, and you don't know that, but you've already tripped, and your guts are already all over the place. Life is already dreadful enough without this.
What is with you people that you always must be a part of every community anyway? I mean I visited their Discord and decited, that ok this is not my kind of place and then I closed the channel. It's a software you don't need to force yourself to be part of any toxic community if you don't want. Very simple.
Who cares? It's a software. You should really go out and find some real problems to deal with. WW3 is just around the corner and people will just be cancelled out if they don't know how to lick everyone's arses.