Reject your responsibilities , be silly dumb and cute 🥰🥰
15 0 ReplyNow I'm not going to follow what you told me to >:3 _/j
5 0 Reply
So you reject the responsibility of joining the club which was made for you?
9 0 ReplyI must know where this is from
8 0 ReplyShimeji simulation apparently
9 0 Replythank you kind stranger, this is going to be a fine addition to my list
8 0 Reply
I really need to get around to reading shimeji simulation
8 0 ReplyYou should; it's hilarious. If you're into more serious philosophical yuri, there's also a manga called The Qualia Purple that I'd recommend.
4 0 ReplyIts GAY!? I'm gonna read it now!
5 0 ReplyI've been meaning to read it since i finished girls last tour, but once it goes on the list it's basically gods' hands when i see it next 😅
4 0 Reply
Tsukumizu is the same artist and author that made Shūmatsu Ryokō aka Girl's Last Tour btw!
I'd highly recommending checking out their works and supporting them if you can🤗
6 0 Reply