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Court Listener United States vs. Donald Trump, Document 17 Notice (Other) – #17 in United States v. TRUMP (D.D.C., 1:23-cr-00257) –

NOTICE by the Parties in Response to Court's August 7, 2023 Minute Order by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP re Order,, (Gaston, Molly) (Entered: 08/08/2023)

Still more bad news for Team ShitGibbon.

  • Trump's lawyers offered no explanation of what's wrong with Wednesday; just skipped over the 9th like it didn't exist.

    Delay, delay, delay. The judge is going to get tired of this shit real quick.

  • A quick peek says it all. It is essentially a polite summons, the literal language of which is a 'notice to appear', in which the Court sets forth four dates as options for a time when the parties to the case would meet and confer.

    OP where I first read of this had quoted the first paragraph; I misunderstood him to be suggesting that 'probably this what will happen'.

    But no, the Defense actually responded that none of the dates provided by the Court would work, because Trump's lawyers are all busy litigating other cases on his behalf on those dates.

  • This is all moot, now. The Judge has ordered the lawyers to appear Friday, 10 am.

    • @dd97843

      She needs to demand Trump appear as well. This isn't a jaywalking case, and the OrangeShitGibbon needs to have it registered clearly in his mind that this is not an opportunity for publicity, this is his just deserts coming, and that they unstoppable, that it is just a matter of time.

      Honestly, I think everyone, and I do mean everyone, already knows that.

      We're at the point where the gamesmanship needs to be exposed as a central thesis and problem, and addressed accordingly. A problem. This is all about putting paid to the problem; not appearances to the effect. In my mind, Trump's lawyers are not being charged; are not the ones making threats on Truth.Social, Trump is.

      His ass needs to be toeing that line before the Judges desk.