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  • I want to say this was a joke in the 80s or 90s where immigrants would learn English from the likes of watching John Wayne movies.

    Though, as an aside, I would love to meet more non-native English speakers who learned English by watching the likes of Pauline Shore.

    • There is a joke in The Good Place like this. One of the characters is describing her life "abandoned by my parents" "adopted by parents who died, yadda, yadda, yadda" "saved the human race, yadda, yadda, yadda". She goes through a few of those and the penultimate thing she says is "learned english watching Seinfeld".

      • I mean who doesn’t like a good “yada yada yada”. I feel like more people should do that; especially at work. 😏

        • I feel like more people should use yiddish because they have some great words like shmootz and chutzpah and schlep. They just sound great and the meanings are wordy in english so a single word translation is great.

        • You yada'd over the best part