Public spending playing a large role in the economy is not a bad thing. That is unless you haven't got off the neoliberal mental train. The real results are what's important. When the private sector clutches its pearls instead of investing, the government has to fill the gap. If they don't we end up in a bad crisis. It's good to see that the two of the three major parties know this.
Then fucking force companies to reinvest then. Tax the shit out of profits unless it is reinvested back into the economy through their employees and any other mean.
Corpos are quick to suckle at the government tit for subventions that they don't need, but when comes the time to give back to their community, crickets.
Agreed. That said, I think we're in for a rough ride for a long time till we dig ouesel out of the housing crisis. It currently sinks a lot of the economic output. That is people paying for housing instead of other, productive things.