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In order for a Social Media site to be popular, it has to cleverly turn up the evil dial several notches behind the scenes. It would never really "get ahead" in mainstream popularity without the ass

In order for a Social Media site to be popular, it has to cleverly turn up the evil dial several notches behind the scenes. It would never really "get ahead" in mainstream popularity without the assistance of said evil, which says something dark about human nature.


  • @sbb The trick is to boil the frog slowly, so that most users come to accept the status quo, because their contacts are there and they're afraid to find a new group. Doing what Discord is doing - changing one detail that people care about, but doesn't make them leave - is smart evil. Doing what Reddit is doing is too much, too fast.

  • Jesse what the fuck are you taking about

  • Dank memes require the blood of orphans.