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I love hand-making cosplays because it encompasses textile arts, armor crafting, 3D printing, painting, wig styling, jewelry making, etc. (ShelbyEileen)

I’m ShelbyEileenCosplay and am really excited to see that textile arts are included in this instance! I’ve been sewing for 12 years and armor crafting for 10, and competing in cosplay contests for 10. It’s the most challenging and fulfilling hobby I’ve ever tried and I love it so much.

  • I don't see how this fits this sub.

    • The sidebar says includes all physical arts, including quilting/fabric/textile based art. The only art isn't allowed is digital. That's why my caption said I was happy my art was included. It's a lot of work to handmake this type of art and it's something that can't be replicated digitally.

      • The sidebar says includes all physical arts, including quilting/fabric/textile based art. The only art isn’t allowed is digital.

        This is true. Even though 99% of the content in this lemmunity are paintings and illustrations, I don't want us to be restricted to just those mediums. I do love seeing sculptures and works of basket-weaving posted here occasionally.

        But this post violates the 6th submission rule:

        Ideally have no more than one image per post.

        I'm realizing at the time of writing this comment that I've probably worded the rule poorly, but each post should include just one work of art at a time so all of the attention can be focused on that piece. In the future you could upload your works individually (but to avoid spamming, keep them spaced out to one post every 24 hours at minimum.)