The Conservative Party of Canada has deleted a video that promoted Canadian values but featured what the Defence Minister's office says are Russian fighter jets.
The Conservative Party of Canada has deleted a video that was meant to promote its Canadian values but featured images of what the Defence Minister's office says are Russian fighter jets.
The party acknowledged on Monday that mistakes happen, while also pointing out that the Liberals have dealt with a stock image backlash in the past.
The video in question was posted by the party on X on Saturday with the slogan "Canada. Our Home" and featured a speech delivered by leader Pierre Poilievre from the Calgary Stampede.
In the video, Poilievre describes a Canadian man driving on a highway on his way to work after dropping off his kid at school, and spots a brand new fighter jet in the sky.
An ironic Freudian slip coming from the Conservatives. I'm sure they'd just love to see MiGs and Sukhois over Ottawa, restoring the "traditional values" of homophobia and wife-beating.
He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. That's for sure. I think the world is gonna roll him. The ice is getting pretty thin, the water's warm. Do you think he can swim?
Also, we already have new fighter jets being delivered as we speak. Like, that is literally the one thing the CAF does not need more of. PP has already said that he won't even try to meet our defence spending commitments, but now he wants to replace brand new, very expensive jets that we just bought?
More alt-right babble, fantasy, and mythologizing. Looks like the plan would be to normalize "accidental" image use across the spectrum and normalize the sight of foreign, far-right powers openly violating norms. When the domestic terrorists, errrr, ummm, cuntservatives do it, people will be numb to it and simply accept ii.
Not likely, L'il PP, you'll have to be more subtle if you want to overthrow democracy; learn from your American betters: this process can take years, even decades. Why, it even with state authority to gerrymander and suppress voters, it took them over 15 years to subjugate the SCOTUS, and fill it with enough bribable (Thomas, Roberts) and pliable (Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett and Cry-baby Kavanaugh) stooges that they could start cancelling laws they felt were to humanist and compassionate.
THAT's the time scale, PP, not an election cycle. Look long term.
This is extremely funny, but also why is no one talking about how stupid PP looks in his white t-shirt and cowboy hat? Like, the dude looks like a male stripper.
No one who lives in the country dresses like that. A white t-shirt and hat are gonna be a brown t-shirt and hat by the time the day is over. Nothing that fucking pristine white has ever been within ten miles of a farm, or a ranch, or God forbid even a garage.
If they can’t see it after that pandering piece of garbage…
If someone talked like that to try to get my support, and people have, my respect for them would plummet. I don’t like being talked to as if I’m some simpleton who’d fall for an easy trick. Even in the best case scenarios I’m still going to let go a “well that’s laying it on a bit thick there, buddy, take a chill pill.”
That should be the most insulting to anyone they’re targetting with that speech. How do none of them see how disgustingly dishonest and pandering that drivel is? And then he just has to toss in weird culture war shit about censorship that doesn’t happen? And what the fuck have Conservatives ever done to even treat people with drug addictions like people let alone actually help them?
But to my first point again: If a member of the target audience can’t see that for the pandering nonsense it is then they’re so far beyond it I genuinely do not know how sense could ever reach them. It’s gross.
Even without the added Russian jets and foreign establishing shots that speech was embarrassing. Really going all in on American style flag humping "patriotism".
featured a speech delivered by leader Pierre Poilievre from the Calgary Stampede.
Gotta hand it to the Cons. They are totally confident platforming from one of Canada's historically shameful, and outwardly cruel (Examples 123) “entertainment events” as if Canada needs to go backwards 100 years.
You think the people that commissioned this train wreck were careless, lacked attention to detail, and has so little over that it produced in a terminally putrid result?
Just take a moment to imagine how much they're going to fuck up if they get elected into positions of power.
@girlfreddy we did sorta have the russian designed CF121 Stratocaster smuggled in and hidden at CYCH Chatham (now Miramichi) . but it was an april fools joke. Quite a few fell for it.