It looks like a bitcoin miner was included in the installer, and the admins on 1337x may or may not give a shit apparently. Scanned my pc and my wifes and found the same stuff the others mentioned.
According to the other comments, don't feel the need to uninstall as the miner was installed separate to the game, just give a Malwarebytes scan to get rid of the junk.
Of course but it's usually pretty easy to filter out the false positives that always appear as a Trojan (because of the file modification payload) vs a crypto miner
Oh 100%. Was a dumb moment where I didn't expect it and didn't bother, and neither did a lot of other people from the looks of it. Good thing is it was something fixable in less than 5 mins and not a bigger problem.
I would completely reformat all affected machines. AVs are not perfect. Yes it sucks, but imagine the consequences of doing any form of banking on an infected machine.
No downloading much anyways, but if I were to start, how would I go about scanning the files properly? Could you recommend something to read up on the topic?