That may be necessary because firearms are still allowed at his events (part of the idiotic MAGA ideology, after all), but tennis balls, for example, are not. Maybe Trump can get a good deal on the bulletproof Pope-mobile. What a moron.
I don’t exactly blame him. That assassination attempt was a massive failure on the organization that should be fail proof.
At the same time, I wonder if this will just be a way to remind people about it. Nobody is talking about it anymore and it was a huge deal for his campaign.
I thought it was interesting that he said he was going to return to the same location in October for a rally. That is a great strategy. So far that is the only thing his campaign has going for it, so might as well lean into it (the strategy…).
The hilarious part is how security could screen for guns if his 2020 campaign hadn’t run up debts with unpaid bills at indoor venues. Having to do outdoor events was an unforced error.
I feel like whatever they are putting him behind won't actually stop an assassination attempt unless it was like that level X shit they put in the motorcade limo that's really more of a tank than a limo
Be thorough! Surround him with bulletproof glass from all angles, and make sure there's no air holes where bullets could get through. He will be completely impervious to both bullets and oxygen!