San Francisco resident Randol White says he heard the noises for the first time about two weeks ago -- he was woken up around 4 a.m. to the Waymos honking at each other.
To be fair, regular drivers use it way too leniently too. I wish it was as loud on the inside as it is on the outside. Then maybe people would be a bit more hesitant to use it outside of emergencies.
I don't understand why cars don't have a secondary sound warning system that make no more noise than a bike bell. Use the honk when there is immediate danger and the bell when you want to gently advertise your presence. Buses have this why not cars?
There was a short story by Isaac Asimov that had robotic cars on a farm that some old guy salvaged. At the end, they were all honking at each other to communicate. I won't spoil the story in case anyone wants to read it. It is in The Complete Robot collection. I'll just say it was creepy.
At least this is something that can be fixed with code, while the stupidity of human drivers is forever haha
I hope we'll soon see single seat driverless cars that are about the size of velomobiles or the podbike.
PS: A while back my PC would start up in the middle of the night for shitty windows updates and wake me up. Things like that can REALLY make you cranky or angry.
Humans write code. So it's actually an extra point of failure. Humans are also built to react to every changing conditions, code can only react to conditions it was programmed for.
Driverless cars are a pipe dream, I am open to being proven wrong by the future, but I do not believe we will ever see fully autonomous cars.
This reminds me a lot of AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robot), except the Omron ones I have been working with are super dumb. I wish they would honk or give better indication that they are incapable of parking or going around each other. Those Waymo cars at least seem to be able to figure it out.
Not to say all AMRs are that bad. I have seen some really good systems, but it all comes down to the software and configuration. I know this is Fuck Cars, but the technology that goes into those Waymo is an amazing feat of engineering. I am amused that they didn't think too hard on the sound pollution and disturbances.