120 hours in and I'm still playing Kingdom Come Deliverance. I think I like it much better than Skyrim. The only thing I don't like about it is the missing crosshair for bows, but a simple console command fixes that for me. I've not yet completed the main quest lol and there are still plenty of side quests to finish. It's crazy how the studio pushed CryEngine of all things into this interesting RPG. Puts Bethesda to shame honestly.
Yes it is. It even has schedules for NPCs, activities to do, people reacting to your clothes or cleanliness, your hunger level or sleepiness, day night cycle, an interesting fast travel mechanism.
Just keep in mind that it is supposed to be difficult in the first few hours. But as you skill it starts getting easier to the point that you're walking killing machine that can unlock any lock, speech check almost anything and buy the best gear.