Man, this is depressing. While I wasn’t “raised online” since I was raised on dialup and couldn’t block the phone line all that long.
I still remember when google was the new kid on the block and the general feeling about them across early Internet forums.
Microsoft was evil because they copied everybody else’s stuff and wanted to charge for it. Apple was clueless making expensive junk. Sun was a darling for a while at least until they started pulling shit.
Enter mother-fucking-Google. Ethical. Honest. Not evil. Smart. Supporting open source. And on top of all that, FREE to use. Like Microsoft wants to charge you for hotmail if you want an inbox > 2MB? Fucking EVIL!!! Google is ethical because they are completely free!!! And I hear they are working on an email service too. Google just wants to shepherd the internet and protect it from companies like Microsoft, Apple, and AOL.
All of this led to me ditching all of those (except YouTube, this is without a real alternative due to the content exclusively hosted there) and starting to self-host my stuff and joining the Fediverse.
Lemmy is great but the majority of you guys have a, r/notlikeothergirls vibe.
Like you know something about the world and by saying, "I am not mainstream I am alternative," you are making yourselves inclusive in some way. You don't know anything the rest of the world doesn't already have some idea about. Some sort of secret knowledge. I think my favorite thing I have seen on here is people thinking they are private and secure on the Fediverse. Despite the fact you are on a self hosted instance of someone's hardware and handing your privacy and security to someone random or an entity at random.
Being inclusive is not how you educate people. It's how you isolate your knowledge and make people think you are a jerk.
People are so quick to forget.
Back when Netflix came out it's appeal was offering movies for viewing online. People scoffed at it because TV was king and Netflix wasn't on TV yet, smart TVs weren't a thing and Roku had to be built as a middleman. "Why would I pay for that". No one believed in the products in the way that people believe in Netflix and YouTube or Google or even twitter today.
Today every tv is smart, YouTube has a YouTube TV app, all these media companies have their own apps like paramount and ESPN, and people are willing to pay.