Liquidators Expedition & Minotaur Flamethrower Issues and Questions
I believe one of the number one reasons for Hello Games doing No Man's Sky expeditions is, not only for us to have kick ass fun, but also to teach us stuff. And in this particular one it's showing how cool and awesome the Minotaur can be. I liked the Minotaur, but I wasn't wild about it. It didn't seem especially powerful. Boy, was I wrong! I just didn't realize you could ramp up the power with the Spacestation Exocraft shop modules. And that's what this expedition showed. Now I've gone back and gotten those modules (Minotaur Cannon Upgrades) for my other game saves. And. Having. So Much. Fun. with the Minotaur.
I think this is one of most important expeditions we've had. No, there's no cool spaceship bonus, but I think we've got plenty of those (my spaceship armada is FULL. I think they ought to increase the limit size). It's an important expedition because we get a MINOTAUR FLAMETHROWER! BUT it's only optional, which I think is really weird. You don't get it automatically at the end of the expedition, but you have to wait it out and get the parts one by one as the Community-wide Liquidation progresses.
With the flamethrower acquiring being optional it seems it'll be easy for a lot of people to miss out on getting one. Especially since you have to be around at each commuinity progression point and do your own part. For example, at Phase 2 I had to kill an additional twenty monsters to get my own personal count up to 100 to receive the bonus Liquidator Left Arm plans. I assume we'll keep having to do our own part for each additional Phase. I am really looking forward to getting that Flamethrower.
So after the expedition is completely over it feels like there's going to be some folk who don't get the flamethrower, and I think they're going to be pretty sad. I'm writing this to hopefully alleviate that pain for some people.
But I have questions. So far, the bonus Liquidator Left Arm plan has not gone into the Anomaly Quicksilver shop. Are our other gamesaves not going to get the flamethrower?! That would suck. I want all my characters to get to use a frickin' awesome flamethrower. I also note that I'm now seeing Flamethrower Addon Modules in the Spacestation Exocraft shop. I've acquired three in anticipation already :)
Am I missing anything? Does anyone want a Minotaur Flamethrower in their arsenal?
I got mine as a blueprint. It's only my second expedition but I think people finishing liquidators with all optional goals complete (and claimed) will have the blueprints available in their main saves. Others will have to buy them in the Quicksilver shop when it will end.
It's too bad we have a limit of participation. I completed all the main expedition goals with almost 1000 kills and I have to wait for the bar to fill or finish without the remaining parts.
Wait, so I have to make sure that I log in at least once every phase/tier and kill x monsters in order to complete the optional mission? I can't find any information on this and the game itself is not clear.