In Nation’s Largest Swing County, Election Deniers Move Closer to Taking Over Elections: Arizona officials who have stood up to false conspiracies lost their seats in key GOP primaries on Tuesday.
Arizona officials who have stood up to false conspiracies lost their seats in key GOP primaries on Tuesday. The fate of Maricopa County’s elections system will be decided in November.
A key reminder the "One vote doesn't matter." argument is bull crap when hundreds of thousands of people have that mentality. One vote doesn't matter when everyone else actually votes. Hundreds of thousands are not voting. Stop being a prick and go vote.
That's because the presidential primary, where both sides were running unopposed, was a couple months ago and everyone knew about that. Why we didn't have the primary for everyone else then, I don't know.
it's important to remember that it was a handful of republicans that stopped the overthrow in 2020: pence, barr, mcconnell--every one of them despicable shitheels, yet things might have gone differently if they hadn't stopped trump's bullshit. what republican today would do that? also remember they've spent the last 4 years relentlessly changing voter laws to work in their favor, of which maricopa is just the latest example. ALSO remember GOP owns the SCOTUS. there's a reason trump seems so unconcerned with gaining votes
all that to say: don't get complacent; they are going to pull the same shit as 2020, only more so