In a rare moment, Donald Trump received “boos” from a crowd of supporters at a Florida summit Friday for saying he supports abortion in cases of rape and incest. Reporting from the rally, CNN correspondent Kristen Holmes said that the conservative Turning Point USA's “very Trump friendly room" went ...
Man is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He doesn’t want to make this election a referendum on abortion, because as we’ve seen in ballot measures in the past two years, he can’t win that fight. However, his base won’t accept anything but a hardline stance. Must suck to be him, couldn’t happen to a worse person.
This is what happens when you pander to extremists, donnie. You now have the choice of pissing off the nutjobs by trying to appeal to the moderates, or you can double down on the nutjobs. You lose either way.
On the one hand, I love to see him booed and I'm sure it actually had an impact on the narcissist. On the other hand, the booers could hardly have chosen a worse stance.
Degenerates is right. You have to be a degenerate to believe that a 10-year-old should have her uncle's rape baby.
Just in case someone truly believe that all this s**tshow would just disappear without Trump around. Let's face it, he's a symptom of the problem, not the main cause.
i don't understand why people are still anti-abortion in general, but even for those who are completely against it, why not allow it in extreme cases like medical reasons, rape, and incest? surely your god wouldn't want a young girl raped by her father to give birth to her own child-sibling who's definitely going to be all kinds of genetically and mentally fucked up?
Your ONLY allowed to kill Children AFTER they've been Born! That's why these SAME people are TOTALLY COOL with Guns in Schools and Calling in Bomb Threats to Children's Hospital's and Outlawing Youth Medicine and Defunding School Lunches!
I have to commend these vile shitbags with being consistent about hating women and wanting them to be miserable incubators.
Other "moderate" regressives who find that far too cruel to impose on somebody need to get a fucking clue what team they are backing. Supporting abortion for rape and incest is inconsistent with pretending a fetus is a human. There are no crimes a father can commit where it is morally acceptable to execute a child.
The Republicans are getting cannibalized by their own voterbase. They've pushed their voters too far to the right, and now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. Whatever plausibly "moderate" views red politicians have now are going to be gone in a few years, if the Democrats winning the upcoming elections doesn't save them lol
Scrolling by quickly, the thumbnail in my Lemmy client makes it look like he's got a hitler mustache. The framing of the microphone and his hand is almost perfect and very fitting.
How DARE he rape children with Jeffrey Epsteincheat on Melania with a porn star while she's pregnantdefraud people BILLIONS of dollars say that rape and incest is bad!
When I saw this post scrolling by the thumbnail really got my attention...
That little piece of black mic in front of his just reminded me of some figure from the not so distant past...he also rallied huge crowds and they were all cheering for every single word he said.
Many of the things he said are things that Democrats want to do - they didn’t take away the child tax credit (in fact Biden expanded it), they do want to make life more accommodating to parents, they want protections against women having setbacks in their careers because of pregnancy. I don’t get what his issue is.