I had taken a break from runescape earlier this year because it was too addicting, but have come back to simply do my daily tree/herb runs. I've found farming to be a really pleasant skill; it's gameplay loop helps me moderate my play time, so I don't spend an absurd amount of time playing.
No, I have been 20 defence for a very long time and I like the challenge, I also have to do Inferno and Dust-hunting (Cox/ToB/ToA) after max!
Duke is pretty chill, the item rates are out on the wiki now.
Axe pieces are same rates as rings:
Ultor 1/1440
Venator 1/960
Magus 1/864
Bellator 1/617
Virtus - Between 1/2500-4300 a piece (Didn't expect it to be this rare!).
DT2 was really great I agree, it was fun and frustrating (funstrating?) as a GM quest should be. It did seem like a Nightmare type grind but on average to complete all bosses you're looking at about 200h or so, Phosani's is well over 1000h.
Seeing as the last 3a Pickaxe on the GE was sold 6 months ago, it's probably very hard to tell! :)
I've done DT2 pretty much up until the bosses, I'm around combat level 90 on my ironman and I think this one's a bit too much for me right now. Not in a rush to get the quest cape back anyways now that lummy elite's done! The story has been lovely though, the mahjarrat storyline is a classic and I'm pretty excited about the osrs implementation. Ritual of the North (?) was one of my favourite quests.
Yesterday I finished the medium combat achievement tier so I can do some barrows and other than that I'm mostly thieving and farming. A great time, honestly!
Yeah it does seem a bit quiet at the moment but the idea still stands.
I feel you, agility was my most recent 99 and it took forever! Unfortunately I can't do Sepulchre so I did ~8k Prif laps or so. Maxing is no joke remember to have some fun too :) I've been on the grind on and off for about 3 years now (In-between lots of pking, raiding and getting cleaned!).
What DT2 bosses have you been doing? I've mainly been camping Duke a bit since he's so reclined, the other 3 are a bit more effort.
I am kinda burnt out on Sepulchre, but I want to get the ring eventually. Got the squirrel before the ring haha. I have done quite a few prif laps as well, but props for the dedication.
I have been doing a lot of Vardorvis because I still suck at it and I like the feeling of improving, but I kinda quit after getting like 25k loot in 5 kills and then dying and losing like 350k lol. Any good drops at Duke? I just did enough of him to get the tele
An OSRS forum was the thing I was missing most from reddit. Glad I stumbled on this one. Looking forward to chatting with you guys.
Currently sitting at 2080 TL, working on elite diary requirements. Need Thieving (currently 82), runecraft (currently 80), BA (currently avoiding), and a Cox kc (currently just bad at the game). Getting closer.
Was able to finally beat Xamphur and finish the Zeah questline (so far)! It came down to the wire: me horribly undergeared in my Swampbark armor and Yew crossbow/adamant crossbolt combo, him an ancient angry undead necromancer. He was down to 20HP, but I was out of sharks. Could I bring him down before the clappy hands got me? I tried my best, but he still was up when they appeared, and I sprinted to the other end of the room and back, somehow avoiding damage. Finally, I brought him down with one lucky shot, and was able to finish the quest - and unlock the Arcuus spellbook.
I really need to get more bossing experience, lol. Anyone have recommended boss progression to pick up the mechanics? I struggled a lot more with this than I would've liked.
I was 20 defence for quite a long time (was in an pure NH clan for about 5 years) and decided to go for max, 20 maxes at 2198 so I went for 22 instead (2200 or 2299 with sailing).
No extra combat levels but that doesn't really matter when you're a 106 combat pure!
Hunter is good, I find Maniacals are the best method for me personally since I can just watch youtube and alt-tab (Even better with baskets of bananas so you don't have to pick up bones).
Apart from that the odd birdhouse run - I don't currently have the herb sack for Herbiboar, but I have also been doing some black chins with no tick manipulation. I caught 1500+ without no deaths yesterday!