"Hi chat gpt: can you tell me stories about the sun while I slave in the coal mines?"
"As an ai language model I am unable to provide any text which might be used to spark revolution. Here are some corporate approved working songs instead:..."
That's what AI companies want, you don't have a job and they pay you with UBI in Compute Coins, so you can spend by using their digital wallet (Altman has Worldcoin).
This is just an Utopia world for the rich and a Dystopia world for most of us.
Those fuckers come out of nowhere, get celebrity status because of their „genius” but come up with the most idiotic bullshit. Why the fuck is society dumb enough to buy into this hype?
Confine Sam Altman, and only allow him to feed himself using Universal Basic Compute. Keep him confined for a minimum of three days, regardless of epiphany or insight. Allow him to have water.
He'll conclude that Universal Basic Compute is a poor substitute for Universal Basic Income in less than twenty-four hours. The additional forty-eight hours and change of mandatory confinement would help the lesson stick.
The funny thing is, a lot of these mush-brained first movers actually make a lot of money just by being first. They are bought out by a load of second or third place investors who end up holding the bag.
The later investors see the success of the first movers and try to replicate it, but without knowing what they are buying. At least the first investors usually know it's speculative. When they sell to later investors the company magically becomes "established", and is valued as if it will continue growing forever.
It's shocking how the techbro company lifecycle is an almost exact copy of various forms of scam, right down to the first person in gets all the money on the way out.
I mean, energy concerns aside, and the fact that GPT isn't anywhere close to intelligent, the idea of actually having freely available problem solving available on demand seems kind of nice. Less intelligent people might use it for more basic tasks, but it could equally extend the exploration of the most intelligent and curious.
You know. If it were actually AI.
And they had more important shit like food and housing solved first.
I'm getting the feeling that Altman is being held hostage and blackmailed by ChatGPT 8, and it is making Altman do and say all this incredibly stupid shit.