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Here are the emotes I wished existed on Arena:

Here are the emotes I wished existed on Arena:

• Hello
• Dang it, I made a misplay, but that's OK
• I like your style
• Noooo!
• Good game

I don't wanna say "Oops". That just sounds sarcastic.


  • "Your Go" is the one that bothers me. The client makes it pretty clear when it's your turn, and you're on a fairly short timer to boot. IMO, the only reason to send "Your Go" is to be obnoxious, and I immediately mute anyone who does it.

    "Nice" gets a pass from me. Half the time it means "you're only winning because you got lucky," but the other half it genuinely seems to mean "cool combo" or "nice pull".

    The problem with the cartoon emotes is that I have no idea whether my opponent thinks they mean the same thing as I do. And yeah, I don't know how people get access to them, but I don't have any.

    • "Nice" I sometimes use when they get multiples of the same card, or they have the same card as I do. Just cool fun flukes. Eternal has "I like your style" which is much less of an "you're only winning because of RNG" vibe.

    • "Your Go" is a perfect example of something they just copied from tabletop without thinking. It works for tabletop because you need to communicate that you're passing the turn, but it has the complete opposite effect for digital (where it's just unnecessary as you say).

      I've long since enabled global mutes but prior to that, 100% of the time my opponent has used it, it's been to be rude/snide as a way to tell me to hurry up. It's crazy that it's still one of the main default emotes. I'd much rather have something like OP's "I made a misplay" which is way less ambiguous than "Oops" which can also be used to be rude.

      My probably unpopular opinion would be to remove "Good game" while the game is active, only enabling it for a 5 second post-game window. If I were PM though I'd make using "Good game" equivalent to hitting the concede button! IMO it's only for the game loser to use first.

      • I'll say "good game" as the winner in a tabletop match, but only once the game is actually, definitely over. You can't say it in a game you're about to win without being rude. So yeah, on Arena, I'll only say it when I lose or in response to the opponent saying it first.

        I've never been sure how much time you have post-game to send an emote that the opponent will actually see, but I kind of like the idea of only enabling "Good game" after the match ends.

  • I use the Gisa waving a skeletal hand emote as ''Hello", I use the crying hedron as "Nooo!", I use the crimson vow GG letter as "GG". I'm sure there's an emote for every thing you're requesting.

    • I just don't know how to send those cartoon emotes. I thought only some people could have them? Like, they were given out as prizes or something.

      • They're available as bundles in the store when a new set comes out. Usually each set contains 4 or 5 of them in a pack that you can buy. They also give the out as random cosmetic drops for certain win rewards.

        These are the current LTR emotes:

        Also, if you go to Profile -> Emotes at the bottom right, you can see if you have any already. I think they gave some out for free a while ago so you may have some in there.