Most people if this were a guy, would immediately call this out as toxic, manipulative, and abusive behavior
I’ll err on the side of optimism and assume this was just a joke pic, but I did want to shed light on the fact that fucking with your partners food without their knowledge and consent is abusive and manipulative.
The litmus test of determining if there is bigotry involved is to change the terms in contention. If it is bigoted in one direction, it is fundamentally bigoted in both.
You hit the nail on the head when you posited “if this was a guy doing it to his girlfriend” it would be toxic, manipulative, and abusive.
Let’s make misandry as unacceptable as misogyny. Because true equality will be impossible until we do.
So it's been sort of a joke that my current fiancee and my ex both didn't want me to lose weight because they think I look hot chubby. Both have said that they would leave me if I ever did get skinny. As a joke of course, so I assume this is a joke too.
That’s the joke to the meme. Don’t think it requires much discussion.
I would hope people would look at this and know it’s satirical/obviously abusive.
It does say meal prep, maybe he adds the sauce the day he's gonna eat it. Otherwise it might get extra soggy just sitting there absorbing the sauce.
He could also keep various proteins prepped in other containers and he cna just mix and match based on what he's feeling.
Calories in/calories out. Butter is fat and some sugar and protein. Pasta is mostly carbs. But they all become calories, and if you eat more calories than you burn, they will be stored as fat.
The poster above is correct thay sugar is the easiest for your body to turn into calories, and carbs are basically complex sugars. Fat is also fairly easy for your body to convert to calories, and it is usually more dense. Protein is the hardest, but even protein will make you fat if you eat enough of it.
If you want to lose weight, burn more calories than you consume. Everything else is nuance.
No. The butter in my fridge has almost no sugar (0.6g in 100g) and almost no protein (0.7 g in 100g).
Pasta is mostly carbs.
For comparison: The pasta I have at home have more sugar (most have roughly 3g in 100g) and way more protein (12g in 100g).
they all become calories, and if you eat more calories than you burn, they will be stored as fat.
Are you sure you're not simplifying too much?
Also, "just" eating less or more calories is not that easy if you ignore the side-effects. Carbohydrates will make you hungry very soon unless mixed (or eaten after) fibers, fat and protein. Which you should do anyways for health reasons.