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No 666 to Hel: Polish bus route drops ‘devil’s number’ after Christian protests No 666 to Hel: Polish bus route drops ‘devil’s number’ after Christian protests

Operator announces route to town of Hel has been redesignated as No 669 – a change that has prompted public outcry

No 666 to Hel: Polish bus route drops ‘devil’s number’ after Christian protests
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No 666 to Hel: Polish bus route drops ‘devil’s number’ after Christian protests
  • LOL religious people are dumb as shit some times.

  • jesus fucking christ. The only thing that’s ever been connected to either the numbers 616 or 666… is Christians irrational terror of them, all induced by their book. GJ.

  • God almighty when three numbers next to each other

  • Gotta use the Bible as the reason when road-sign theft isn't a problem.

    • Mile marker 420 had that problem.

    • It wouldn't make sense for religious people to outright steal an item they see blashphemous; they wouldn't want to keep it around.

      I suspect edgy people just wanted the cool sign.

      That being said, I definitely can see religious people vandalising them.

  • Wait until they hear about Finnair flight 666 to Helsinki (HEL) on Friday the 13th... Sadly that flight is no longer a thing, but Finnair still flies from Singapore (SIN) to HEL.