I love cars (own several) and most are over 20 years old. Why? They were better. Smaller. Less tech. Better looking. Not controllable by your government/corporation (Elmo TeSSSla). I hate almost every new bloated rolling ad infested garbage i see now.
What i don't understand is how fuel efficiency does not seem to be a concern of an average buyer? It is a large factor for me, and I'm proud to have highly efficient car for its class. Are those large trucks somehow more efficient than older, smaller models? Or are average buyers just not concerned with efficiency?
Well not everyone has seen the light of factorio, so i might be over-fixating on efficiency.
Gods I’d love A small truck like that if they made them, I know this is fuck cars and I agree with the sentiment, but I’d much rather these be everywhere than the monstrosities on the road today
I would not say that we can completely get rid of cars, or that all cars are evil, but such absurdly big, extremely inefficient trucks with negligible visibility just should be taxed to shit.
The guy that drives the land yacht once brought home a couple of two by fours in it from Home Depot, so he feels justified in owning it too. "Sometimes there's just mo substitute for a good truck." When his ac cannot handle the heat, he still won't experience any introspection.
Now, TBH the truck in the back can carry a much heavier and/or physically larger load. Even though the beds are the same length, it’s bed is slightly deeper and likely a good foot or two wider. But how many truck owners transport such loads on the regular? In fact, how many truck owners have anything other than Pavement Princesses?
The truck in the front is more than enough truck for most “truck owners”, they just choose the back option for it’s utility as a penis extender.
I don’t know about y’all, but I just cannot get over that driver in the larger truck in the back and how strong, virile, intelligent, secure, and selfless they obviously are.
I saw someone in a Dodge Ram yesterday when I was out of a bike ride. Frigging huge it was. This is in rural England where the roads are really not designed for these sorts of vehicles. I'd imagine that it wouldn't actually fit down some of the narrow country roads because it was so big.
Holy shit that was scary. I clicked the link without really looking and all of a sudden I was presented with a "promoted post" and I thought Lemmy had enshitified overnight.
Thank fuck it was just reddit being reddit and me being unobservant.
That Tacoma is what USA got. Check out the Toyota workmate which was born out of a camry with an aluminum tray. Even the 2024 model is modest by today's vehicles. https://www.toyota.com.au/hilux/workmate
I have a similar comparison between my 2000 bmw z3 and 56 Chevy bel air with a 74 Chevelle engine and I have tested my z3 mpg and got 29mpg and knowing my z3 tank and bel air tank are the same size and every week of daily driving my z3 has about a quarter of a tank left and my bel air typically has half a quarter left so I guesstimate my bel air gets about 20 or 25 mpg but because I work at a dealership I get to see the mpg of every brand new car that comes in and I've seen 4runners tundras and Silverados that roll onto the lot rated at as low as 15mpg how the fuck is my car from the 50s more eco friendly than a considerable number of new cars on the road today if my car had a overdrive I could probably understand but I have a 3 speed automatic that it came out the factory with I should be needing to have at least a modern engine and transmission to make my bel air comparable but no just having a early 70s motor is enough to get better mileage then new 2024 trucks
If you compare the same type of truck instead of comparing a regular cab mid size truck with a full size crew cab truck, you realize that they're mostly higher than they were before but otherwise their dimensions aren't that much bigger, especially if you compare with the evolution of car sizes. The mk6 Jetta was a subcompact even though it's the same size as a mk5 Passat which was a compact.
Q: How many parking spaces does the small truck take up?
A: Exactly the same number as the big one does.
The problem is all cars, not just big cars. Small cars contribute to cities being designed to cater to drivers at the exclusion of every other consideration just as much as big ones do. Small cars require just as many lanes of traffic, and just as much otherwise-useful land paved over and obliterated for parking. Walkability gets ruined by minimum parking requirements just as much whether the cars in those spaces are Priuses or F-250s.
Posts like this are nothing but a circlejerk for small-car drivers to feel smug about themselves when the reality is that THEY ARE JUST AS MUCH PART OF THE PROBLEM.
On the flip side, the number of people I see towing an RV behind a mid-sized SUV with the front wheels lifting off the ground is astounding. For every guy that bought a truck that never tows anything heavy and never sees any dirt, there's two idiots towing something 4x what their car is capable of putting you and everyone else on the road in danger.
Those two vehicles are different. The one behind carries more people, can tow greater weight and with the right tyres probably has better capabilities off-road and in poor weather (floods and snow, for example). If the owner only needed it for the boot space then they'd be daft to get the bigger one (and probably wouldn't, due to fuel efficiency) but how does anyone here know what the owners need them for? Judging by looks is rather passé these days isn't it?