If you don’t want to vote for Biden or trump, don’t. I’m voting party for socialism and liberation this November and you can too.
They’re running Claudia de la cruz for president on a platform of Palestinian statehood and cessation of aid to Israel.
It’s better to vote third party than not to vote because even if the third party doesn’t win, they get material support from your vote in the form of funding, ballot and event presence, media appearances and public awareness.
Wait why will the seats be up for grabs, is Biden gonna do an rbg deuce? Why can’t they go ahead and appoint some justices now?
Why doesn’t Biden have his own project 2025 aimed at consolidating state power and using it to achieve his political aims?
I know you’re just using the words “your position” to stand in for personal insults, but I’m not looking at anything with a short sighted view. It’s absurd to suggest that a person saying “vote third party to build alternative platforms” is short sighted when you’re saying that the most important thing is winning the current presidential election.
If trump wins then alito and Thomas will absolutely retire so that younger justices can be appointed.
Sotomayor and Roberts are also pushing 70. It wouldn't surprise me if either one of them or both retired in the next 4 years.
Asking why Biden can't appoint justices now just shows you have no idea how any of this works. And Biden doesn't have a project 2025 because he's not a fascist.
I hope that clears things up for you. Enjoy your summer vacation while it lasts.
The only justices that would step down voluntarily while Biden is in office are kagen, Sotomayor, and Jackson. It probably would be a good idea to replace Sotomayor but it's too late for that in the election cycle now.
Biden can't force any of the conservatives to step down. If trump wins, alito and Thomas will almost certainly be replaced with much younger extremists. If one of the liberals dies or retires, that majority will just get further entrenched. We will end up with a far far right court for decades. Imagine two generations from now when 5+ trump justices have been on the court unchecked for 30+ years. It will be an absolute disaster.
Wow, it’s crazy that democrats knew about this and did nothing about it just like with rbg…
Maybe the answer isn’t to expect a party that consistently fails you to somehow do right this time and instead turn to one with a clear vision of democratically elected judiciary like the party for socialism and liberation…
RBG is one of the greatest travesties in recent American political history. She was already old as hell when Obama was in office and there was a perfect time to get her to retire and appoint a younger justice. Her ego wouldn't allow it because she saw herself as the greatest living supreme court justice and that nobody could ever hope to fill her shoes as long as she was alive. And then her smug ass fucking died and we had to suffer the consequences of her choices. Obama should have been like "get your fucking geriatric ass off the bench and onto a beach somewhere. Fuck off; you're done." But he was too busy ordering drone strikes on Afghan weddings to do that. Or too much of a coward to risk pissing off a justice.