is a partnership between /r/StarTrek and /r/DaystromInstitute from Reddit, they've both locked their subs over there for good. Follow @startrek is a partnership between /r/StarTrek and /r/DaystromInstitute from Reddit, they've both locked their subs over there for good. Follow @startrek for all your Trek needs. 🖖 :trek:
I was fumbling around Lemmy instances looking for a “home base”, frustrated when I couldn’t find anything I liked. Then I found this one posted on the Lemmy subreddit and was immediately excited!
Clearly I'm living on another instance, but I'm wondering is community creation is locked or not? Feels like all the different Trek sub-communities should be hosted here. Show specific ones like Lower Decks, things like Star Trek Online, etc. but so far it seems like its just the big 3.
hey all! I see that /r/strangenewworlds is also going to remain in restricted mode indefinitely, would you perhaps reach out to the mods there, and see if they'd like to join the Federation? :-D
THIS is the kind of action I was hopeful for. I haven't had a reddit account in nearly two years out of principle, and it feels great to be able to geek out/interact with other star trek nerds online.
Great of the mods to unilaterally decide for tens of thousands of users to lock and make inaccessible years and years of conversation. I'm sorry your fefes are hurt, but this "we had to destroy the village to save it" is some third-grade tantrum throwing bullshit.
If any of the mods of those subreddits are here, can you reconsider permanently locking?
The communities on those subs took years to develop, and you're going to lose a lot of quality posts and discussion, since most people won't just move seamlessly to a new website. Beyond that, there are years of high quality posts that members of that community have made, which may not be utterly lost, but they will certainly be more inaccessible.
I'm pissed at the Reddit admins too, but I don't enjoy being forced onto some new site.
I'm writing with the context of the Twitter takeover by Elon Musk. I tried migrating to Mastodon (which seems analogous to Reddit/Lemmy). While I enjoyed not being on a site dominated by a person who, in addition to similar API price hikes, is racist and transphobic, many of the communities I value on Twitter never migrated. The result was that Mastodon was never an adequate replacement for the Twitter networks I was in. While I appreciate not giving money to a person I hate, I'm not eager to repeat that experience, especially because it seems like Reddit's breaches are more of a pure business decision, which I find somewhat palatable, even if I'm unhappy to be forced off the apps I previously used.
I definitely am not opposed to the existence of this website, and in time I imagine it may develop its own unique community that some people value more than Reddit. However, I enjoy having the option of both sites available.
Man I just love the content that is growing every day in these new forums ... nice work guys ... subscribed and will come back again and again.
I feel like we've rebelled against old alliances and we are restarting again in some far off outpost with minimal supplies but plenty of hope and enthusiasm.
I've cut my ties and I'm staying on this outpost with you all.
What news to warm my heart! Very principled to lock the subs over in crazy town even though it's difficult. I won't be going back, and the fed(erat)i(on)verse is the perfect place for Star Trek anyway!