I am trying to play the Linux version of Bean's Quest purchased from the Humble Store. I extracted the tar file but I get the following error when trying to run the game:
error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2 cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
Is there a way to resolve this dependency?
I also tried installing the Windows .msi version as a non steam game but the msi just exits when I open it and proton is greyed out when trying to select it.
For the windows .msi version, you might try installing it on a windows computer and then copy the install directory over to the deck. Then you can add the executable to steam as a non-steam game, and force proton through the "force compatibility tool" menu.
I believe the libXrandr.so.2 library can normally be installed on Arch by installing the libxrandr package, but I'm not sure how to install that on SteamOS without unlocking the filesystem.