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Magazine Owners: What is a day in the life of a Mag Owner like?

How is it running a kbin mag? How much time and headache? Is it worth it? Why do you it? Do you recommend doing it?

  • It's very quiet in my local community one. Mostly just me posting about interesting stuff I hear about in my town, though I have a few people following and liking things... which is cool? I really miss the my local community subreddits, so my hope is someday others from my town stumble onto it and we can all hang out online instead of in person like a real community.

  • it's quiet, pretty much just me posting and a handful of people upvoting, never really any comments. i hope this changes soon. people need to interact more. i don't mind being the only content generator for now, but it's pretty lonely

  • I run two smaller magazines which don't get posts frequently. I also don't feel comfortable advertising them, because that has generally turned me off from social media in the past. However, I've been able to engage a bit with others through microblogging. Incentivizing engagement is a bit challenging, but I do have some ideas for things I could write about to stir some discussion.

    I might suggest that others try it. The fediverse gives us agency in the spaces we can create, and offers perspective on the bigger picture.

  • Technically I'm on Lemmy, but the principle is the same and there's a lot of overlap. I recommend starting new magazines for stuff you're interested in, moderation work is fairly light right now because the fediverse is low-traffic. I mainly just do it to help the community and out of personal passion, it's the same reason I host my own Lemmy instance.

  • Pretty chill for me. All you fediverse users are such internet computer nerds!!! Why don't you want to plant stuff in glass (or any other material) containers!? Why?!?!

    ...well. If you do check out

    P.S. sorry I don't know all the fediverse link formats yet.

  • Moderation tools are still lacking. I run a magazine for a marginal community and we get hate-downvotes that I can't do anything about. On the other hand, low traffic means there isn't a ton of moderation to do.