Humane is reportedly trying to sell itself for $1 billion after receiving just 10,000 orders for its confuddling, expensive and ultimately pretty useless AI Pin. The device was savaged by reviewers.
Airpods don't have a camera though. 90% of my photos are of things I need to remember, like a shopping list or a specific product I need to get Having to dig out (or find) my phone to do that is a pain.
And I don't have Airpods because I'd lose them, one by one, and the replacements are twice the price as another pair of perfectly workable Bluetooth headphones.
My kids have a crappy watch ($30-40) that has a camera. It's not a technical problem, it's just a stupid idea, it's not an ergonomic place to use a camera.
The time before I lose a pair of glasses is inversely proportional to how much I pay for them. If I spent $400 on glasses they would likely disappear off my face before I left the store